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Perfectly Imperfect Life..........

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Kitchen Cabinet Project is DONE!!!!!!

Yes! The "Kitchen Cabinet Project" I mentioned here and here is DONE!
I am so relieved excited that they are finally finished.
About half way through I was starting to wonder "What the heck am I doing?!"
I'm sure you remember that painting directly on them was not possible.
They were in worse shape than I thought.

I knew they were messed up around the edges....

But I didn't realize they also had little bubble/bumps throughout

So after much scraping.....

And sanding.....

They were finally smooth enough....

for the next step.....
which involved...
you guessed it! more Mod Podge!!

So this was my idea....
I didn't want to copy what I did with the Bathroom Cabinets
And I've always wanted painted white kitchen cabinets...
not the pristine new looking type, but older looking cabinets with tons of coats of paint on them. You know the ones that have all that character!
Since the cabinets couldn't take paint directly.....

I decided to cover them in fabric then paint them.
I was on my way out the door to purchase fabric when
my light bulb finally flickered. 
I don't need to buy it, I have lots of sheets stored in the garage!
Whenever I see decent sheets at a yard sale I pick them up.
They are nice big pieces of fabric that come in handy for 
so many projects..yup like this one ;~)
So I proceeded to cover all my cabinets...
doors and frames.

Mod Podged fabric on, trimmed to size then 
coated with Mod Podge.

It was a patch work of colors for a while :/

Once dry I moved onto the next step...

I decided to paint the inside too...
since it was bare particle board/or whatever these
were made of no fabric was necessary. Whew! 
I was able to just paint like normal :)

The insides look so much nicer painted

At last they were all painted.
 Using paint I had from a previous project,
I applied 2 coats of paint, letting each dry thoroughly in between.
(It didn't matter to me that the paint was flat because I was using Mod Podge Gloss, so it would have a sheen no matter what finish the paint had.)

I installed drawer pulls and cabinet knobs and 
even little felt corners for the doors.

OK Here we go...the big reveal!
but we must have some before pictures....

Now the After

I truly am in LOVE with them!
They are perfectly imperfect.
There are boo boos here and there that gives them character...
like they've been around for a long while.
I added about 4-5 coats of Mod Podge over the paint,
so clean up is a breeze!

The kitchen has been painted, the cabinets are done,
next is to recover the kitchen benches.
I think those may just wait a bit....
we'll see.


  1. Gorgeous tags! Can't hardly believe summer's over let alone get into a Christmas mindset. hehe

  2. You did a great job on the cabs! Your tags are gorgeous!

  3. Love your tags. Reminds me to get busy....Sharon

  4. Lovely tags!!! I think your kitchen cabinets look gorgeous! And can I say that all the vintage stuff on top of your cabinets is gorgeous too!! Stop by my blog I am hosting a giveaway!


  5. Love your tags and the cabinet project looks like it turned out fabulously!

  6. Wow, I can't believe all the work that must have taken. I like the knobs too!! My kitchen cabinets are from the 40's or 50's....so yup, you can tell ;-)

  7. Great tags, good luck with sales.



  8. now THAT'S what I call a total transformation!!! wow...you did a great job...and they look amazing!

  9. I think that your cabinet work is pretty clever, I would never have thought to do something like that. The tags are great too.

  10. I love the transformation! Lovely!

  11. Very pretty and creative tags. Great job on the cabinets. I know you are happy they are completed. Congrats.

  12. Wow! What an nice transformation.

  13. This must be Many stuff Monday. Love the mosaic of tags. great!
    Also love the transformation of the cabinets. Well done. MB

  14. Marvelous transition ;-)
    Love your tag mosaic!
    Hugs and blessings,

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Oh my goodness! Your persistence certainly did pay off though. Your cabinets look fantastic! I cannot imagine mod podging all your cabinets though! Just when I thought painting was tedious enough! And done in a weekend to boot?! Yikes!

  17. Love your tags!!!
    Wow youtr cabinets looks fantastic!! You always were so creatvie!! WTG Deb!! {{{hugs)))

  18. AWESOME transformation! You did such a great job. Now that is a labor of love. :D


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