We are still breaking records with the heat.
Temps have been over 105 during the day
and if we're lucky high 80's at night.
Needless to say, I run out and turn the soakers
and/or sprinklers on and that's about it!
Unfortunately, I haven't pruned anything or
worked in the garden in quite awhile.
Therefore everything is way over grown!!
You can't walk any of the paths without
being grabbed by a plant!
So here it is, my gardens at their worst
The gazebo is somewhere under there on the right

Entrance to the gazebo...under the out of control Cecil Brunner.
Really, it's under there somewhere!
I guess I should be happy they are enjoying the heat :|
The Cherry Plum and wild Roses
desperately need to be cut back
I keep hitting my head on it's long fruit laden branch.
Yes, I need to pick them!
Those wild green branches belong to my Lady Banks Rose.
It's reaching out and touching anyone!
The neighbors Weeping Willow it just about
touching the ground in the Tortoise pen.
I really need to whack it back!
The path for The Fairy Walk is in there somewhere
Lady Banks and my purple Trumpet Vine
have met and started a relationship!
Both Cherry Plums are also getting involved!
So far the bench has escaped...well, almost.
The Carpet Roses are growing over the back.
You may end up with thorn in your back if you sit there.

My Parakeets are all pretty old,
unfortunately the heat got to one
and it didn't make it.
The Honeysuckle next to my aviary
needs to get under control
as does this one near the deck.
So there you have it, in the raw.
My wild, out of control garden!
When it cools down I am going
to be very, very busy!