I'm lucky to have a local farmer post his available produce on Facebook where you can text him your order and have porch delivery. There's nothing like fresh fruit and vegetables to lift you're SIP mood!
Normally I would put these away and wash prior to using. But now, Heaven forbid, you don't want to contaminate anything with COVID-19. We're told to wash, wash, wash. Gone are the days of shinning your apple on your shirt before taking that first bite.
I did some research and found everything from using soap to just rinsing.
In the past when I've had particularly dirty produce I've used a vinegar soak.
It helps remove bacteria, pesticides and what ever may be lurking.
I can't say whether it will help with removal of potential COVID-19 but it's safe and worth a try.
After thoroughly washing your hands for 20 seconds, thoroughly clean your sink , bucket, or whatever you're going to use..
I just used my sink -
Once I was done cleaning my sink I rinsed it with bleach, then rinsed it with water.
Use 3 parts water to one part vinegar and swirl a bit.

Add produce and let soak for about 10 - 15 minutes.

After soaking I rinsed them off with water

You may not be able to see bacteria or chemicals but you will see the dirt!

For the Cherry Tomatoes I placed them in a colander due to their small size.
Then set them in the solution. Once done much easier to lift out colander than fishing them out the the solution.

Produce was then placed on towels to let dry.

There was only about half left when I finished drying by hand to put away.
Everyone pigged out on the full flavored fresh fruits.

It's been about 2 weeks since I purchased this purchase. I have a bit of lettuce, a cuke, and a few Cherry Toms left - all of which are still fresh.
Just had another delivery yesterday.
They now have Cherries and Cantaloupes!!