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Perfectly Imperfect Life..........
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Ribbon Embroidery
A while back I picked up a partially done project for a song at a garage sale. It was embroidering with ribbon. I embroidered a lot when I was younger but never with ribbon. The photo on the package looked pretty and I figured if I turned it into a fail I wouldn't be out much. Lucky for me the only thing that had been completed was the trim and handle that had been machine sewn on. Seemed kind of backward but it worked for me since I don't own a sewing machine any more. I was able to use the ribbon just fine and it turned out really pretty, I think. I stuffed them then added the ''fronts'' by hand sewing them on. They are cute little door hangers.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Back to the Vet......
Rough night last night with Katie. She moaned and cried all night. Then she started coughing. She ate and drank water this morning. I didn't get to spend too much time with her because C had an appointment with his Orthopedist for release.
Got Tora and Bella settled in their kennels and gave Katie her meds, then made a bed for her in my chair. When we got to the Dr's., which is an hour away, we found out she was 1 1/2 hours behind. His appointment was scheduled for 11:30 am was not called into a room until 1:30 pm. She didn't actually get into the room until about 2, grrr. At least I caught a nice little nap in the waiting room ;)
Once we got home we found out that Katie had been coughing most of the day. I figured it was irritation from the tubing from surgery from the day before. She was hoarse and it seemed like her throat was sore. C insisted I call the vet and find out if the coughing was normal. I did and they said "bring her in now". OY! Between the time I hung up and we left, M noticed her throat was swollen. I couldn't figure it out because you would think it would be swollen on the side of the extraction, not her throat. M drove Katie and I so I could hold Katie. She was still whimpering under her breath and tears were still falling from her eyes.
We arrived and after looking her over the Dr. said that there was a strain of Kennel Cough going around that was resistant to both vaccines. She said anytime some one comes in with a cough they prescribe antibiotics. She felt the swelling in her throat was from the extraction. Since it was a molar (a large tooth) and that any drainage had settled down her throat. If the swelling isn't gone in a week I need to take her back. And that if there was an infection the antibiotic would take care of that too. Katie was also prescribed cough medicine which seems to be working because she hasn't coughed since taking it.
Wishing for a better night tonight!
Not Such Good News
Katie went in for a Dental Cleaning at the vet yesterday. February is Dental month at our vet and you receive a great discount. I knew Katie needed a tooth pulled, so made her an appointment for a cleaning and an extraction.
Since she is 10 now, and also because it is procedure, she received lab work. The results weren't as good as they could be.
Her CBC came back high. In Nov. of last year it was at 700. It is now 910. Normal is 300-500. This makes her more at risk for blood clots, an embolism, etc. So she will be adding Aspirin therapy to her arsenal of medications. She also had an elevated Calcium level which points to Cushings Disease or Bone Cancer.
Cushings Disease means her adrenalin gland is producing too much cortisol, possibly from the gland itself or a tumor.
The next step is diagnostics to see if it can be determined what exactly is going on. She has no symptoms so far for either.
So xrays and ultrasound will be done after I save enough money to afford them. If it is cancer, we will do what we have in the past when this has occurred in our other fur babies. Medications to slow it down, like with Toby. And as long as she isn't suffering make her last chapter as happy and comfortable as possible...
until it is no longer so.
If it should be Cushings, and I understood correctly, the same treatment is used for both a tumor and over producing adrenal gland. The adrenal gland has 3 layers. She would take medication to kill the tumor or just the outer layer of the gland, depending on which is the issue. It is kind of tricky so she would be monitored closely.
But we aren't there yet, just possibilities to get my head wrapped around. She has been my constant shadow and would not know what to do without her. BUT like I keep reminding myself we are not there yet. And there is a possibility neither will show up with the diagnostics. I asked what I could do in the mean time to aid in some type of help. Sam-e was recommended as well as a low protein dog food. SO today after C's Orthopedist appointment We sill be stopping off to pick those up.
In the meantime she is recuperating from her extracted tooth. She moaned and cried from the time I picked her up from the vet until she fell asleep last night. Then she moaned in her sleep. She has had 2 extracted teeth in previous years and didn't act like this. She even shakes when the other dogs come by, as if to say "don't touch me, don't' touch me!". She insisted on being held, so I held her all evening until we went to bed. She did eat and drink a bit last night, peed and pooped, so all is working ;)
This morning she ate and took her meds like a trooper. But still moans and cries from time to time. BUT she is enjoying all the undivided attention she is receiving.
I have all the confidence in the world with our Vet team. I am so blessed to have such a great team including the super terrific staff.
They have never failed to be there for us at all times, day or night.
I'm sure Katie will be back to her old self in a few days and assume her position as Alpha Queen of the house.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
B & T Makeovers
B and T have been busy doing room and hall makeovers. They did a fantastic job, I'm proud of them and wanted to share!
But before I do I wanted to show you the topsy-turvy planter T made. Isn't is darling!!
OK onto the rooms!
Pulled up the rug to find gorgeous wood floors!
So out with the carpet!
Painted two of the Dining Room walls in a pretty blue.
Hung wall décor back up....
moved Dinning Table and Hutch back in...
added a throw rug and voila!
You'd never know it was the same room!
Then they headed for the hall.
Painted my and her Mom's favorite color!
Purple :)
Now this was ingenious.
They left the linen cupboard doors white,
placed lace over the top,
then painted over the lace.
And unique!
They even got the Fireplace working!
Great job you two!
I have heard they are taking a break for now....
continuing next year...maybe....
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