I despise Ants!
I swear they think they own this house and allow us to live it in.
They are outside, they are inside.
When I was asked by bzzagent to review the new
Amdro PowerFlex Pest and Weed System Campaign
Amdro claims "The AMDRO® PowerFlex® Pest & Weed System is a revolutionary new pest- and weed-killing system. A true all-in-one solution -- you can take AMDRO® PowerFlex®system from your lawn to your home in seconds to kill pests and weeds. Just fill your tank with water and attach any of the four AMDRO® cartridges to the system’s battery-powered sprayer. The adjustable, battery-powered sprayer automatically combines concentrate from the cartridge with water from the tank, so you get perfectly combined solution every time, with no wasted water or concentrate. And when the job is finished, cleanup and storage is easy. Simply take out the cartridge, press and hold the trigger for 10 seconds to flush the sprayer with water from the tank and snap partially used cartridges into the convenient storage area on the back of the system. Finally, a versatile system that’s better for all your pest and weed problems."
I was ready to attack not only the ants but those darn weeds too!
I followed the directions and was off.
I sprayed ants, aphids, any any bug that crossed my path!
I also sprayed the perimeter of my home.
Removed the outdoor pest cartridge and stored it in the storage are of the system.
Next I flushed the hose as suggested,
placed the weed control cartridge in and I was off to say good by to weeds.
I sprayed and sprayed and was surprised how much of the cartridge was left.
A big plus in my book to know that you are getting a good bang for your buck.
Here are some before photos
After Photos
Good riddance Ants!
No more Aphids!!
Adios dandelion
Dying Dock
Bye bye Spurge

I do have to admit that the weeds took several applications
to get the weeds to even wilt which was very disappointing.
I did have plenty of product left so it was OK,
as it did finally kill the weeds.
The four cartridges available are:
Lawn Weed Killer Concentrate
Weed and Grass Killer Concentrate
Home Pest Indoor Insect Killer Concentrate
Yard and Perimeter Outdoor Insect Killer Concentrate
I was impressed with the ease of use.
The no mixing, no mess was equally impressing.
So handy to be able to change the cartridges out so quickly.
I am usually spraying for weeds then come across an Ant hill.
I stop and have to go get the Ant spray,
or wait and hope I remember the Ants after spraying the weeds.
I can't impress how wonderfully easy this system is.
The only good bug is a dead bug
Same with weeds!
*Disclosure - I was given the chance to try and review this product as a BzzCampaign through BzzAgent. I was not paid any money for this review. I was simply given the product to try. All opinions are my own.