The front of our home faces the west.
In the Summer the sun literally beats in the front window.
When we first moved in, prior to the building of the front arbor for shade,
the kids would burn their hands on the the front door knob!!
The sun has melted several sets of mini blinds over the years.
So when I say it beats in and heats up this portion of the house it's no exaggeration!
I decided to put up One Way Mirror Window Film
which has Anti UV Heat Control for Sun Blocking.
It has a slight tint and is removable.
It's not hard to install since static cling basically holds it up.
I do like the one way "mirror" effect for privacy also.

I used 2
Rhodesy One Way Mirror Window Film, Anti UV Heat Control, Static
Cling, Privacy Window Film, Decorative, Removable, Window Tint Sun Blocking, 35.4x 78.7 inch, Silver ~ which I picked up from Amazon.
You'll also need sharp scissors, a sharp razor, squeegee, dish soap, spray bottle and a cup of COFFEE!

Clean your glass thoroughly.

Measure and cut film, leaving an extra 1-2 inches around the edges.

Remove the plastic liner that covers the sticky side.

Since I was doing this by myself,
I found it helpful to use a couple of chairs to lay the film over.

Fill the squirt bottle about 3/4 with water,
add a squirt of dish soap. Mix slowly so you don't get lots of bubbles.
Thoroughly spray the film

Also spray the window thoroughly with soapy water.

I found the more soapy water,
the easier to slide the film into place, and/or readjust.
Put the film on the window.

I used one of those plastic cards you get in the mail for a squeegee.
It worked perfectly

Trim away extra film on the edge of the window frame with your sharp razor.

Left half done.
You can see it's a bit darker than the right.

Both sides done.

Looking from outside in.
Mirror effect. :)
We haven't hit the heat of the Summer yet,
but it's already making a difference with intensity of the Sun.
A bit awkward to do by yourself, but well worthwhile.