When I was asked to review Haus & Garten's Titanium Classic Pruning Shears
I was really excited!
After several years of drought, we have had El Nino storms throughout the winter and I am grateful! Lord knows we needed all that rain badly. But that rain made my gardens come back to life and they had become a jungle!
The entrance to the gazebo is somewhere in there!
The entrance to the gazebo is somewhere in there!
Panic set in when I realized Easter was early this year
and I needed to get my gardens ready for the Celebration.
Pruning was definitely in order!
Not to mention everything else I needed to get done,
and throw in C's surgery along with other real life stuff, needless to say I was behind. My old pruners were dull and chipped, so the Haus and Garten's came at the perfect time.
Upon opening I noticed right away just how razor sharp the blade was, the shears are solid and very well made. They felt good in my hand, not too heavy nor too light. I love the ergonomic anti-slip shock absorbing pads. I was relieved to feel how good they felt in my hand as I sometimes have problems with shears sliding/moving and am having to constantly re-adjust, not these!
They saved me a lot of time from switching back and forth between tools.
After photos ~ Look how you can see everything!!
Weeks later everything's fresh
and starting to bloom!
I said I would put them to the test and I did!

These flawlessly made pruning shears are backed up with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Personalized customer service is available 7 days a week ready to help you!
They are available here on Amazon.
What a great gift for the gardener in your life!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free or a discounted price from Haus & Garten. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.