This little table lost it's legs many years ago. It fit perfectly for a bedside table in my bedroom. I didn't want to get rid of it so in a quick repair mode I bolted an old book where the legs were. Hey, it worked out really great, if I say so myself! It lasted about 10 yrs. like that and would still be there if I hadn't come across a replacement in my Treasure Pile.
I still didn't want to toss it.
There was something about it I loved.
I had an idea...yes, yes, I know - dangerous!
I decided to try and make a table for the deck with it.
I dug around and found a nice size planter. Wasn't crazy about the color and the table need a paint job too.
I chose Krylon Hyacinth for the table and Rust-oleum Modern Mint for the planter from my spray paints.
The planter received 2 coats of paint
Next was the table. Yes, the book stayed attached, the table would fall over without it and I didn't feel like try to take it off. It was stuck on there pretty good.
The table received 3 coats of paint.
Once both pieces were dry, I married them together. The table fit perfectly in the planter. I placed big pieces of Styrofoam around the base to stabilize it.
Placing a level on the table top to be sure it stayed level.
Added a few rocks to help keep the table in place
Filled it with a combination of potting soil and succulent soil.
Planted some succulents and Portulaca I picked up at a fund raiser for a local rescue.
I happened to find a plant roller in my stash and painted it to match the planter. I can roll it anywhere I may need a small table.
Really happy with the way this tuned out.