Can you believe next Tuesday is Christmas Eve already!!???
I need at least another week! Now granted I haven't been home much all month - Dr. office after Dr. office, hospitals, tests, procedures, you name it some one in this house has done it. That's why I need another week of NO APPOINTMENTS to get caught up. So behind getting the decorations up this year.
Except for my little Conservatory...... Oh, it never got put away last year...the way things have been going I was scared it was going to be the only Christmasy thing up this year!
It has never taken us so long to get the tree up....ever! AND it's only a little 4 foot tree! We finally finished it last night.
LOL It seemed it got a few decorations on it a day for about a week. LOL
We went with pink and white this year. I had found these amazing pink and white bulbs at a fund raiser for the local Animal Shelter and got them for a song. I intended to sell them...but you know how that goes. I fell for them and decided to keep them. I think they look great with my vintage pink tinsel garland.
Love my Dad's old pocket watch turned ornament and
set a few magical minutes
before Christmas Morning.
These opaque white ones with the pink accents are adorable!
Unfortunately there weren't too many of them.
Love the tear drop shape of some of them.
And, of course, couldn't forget my white birdies ♥
The wreath I won from ImagiMeris last year has made it up.
Probably because all I had to do was hang it ;)
So bright and cheerful.

Ah yes, my fav sign that never comes down
adds to the Christmas Cheer.
Made by Daizy Donna Designs
We have 3 days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, to get everything ready for the Holidays.
Monday is another Dr. appointment.
I haven't even started baking yet!
Don't think the outside lights are going to make it up this year...too many injured workers here! LOL
Seems to be one thing after another around here.
T and C were able to replace C's ceiling fan that died. T walked into his room the next day and turned his fan light on and it sparked and blew out. The whole thing quit working, so we need to replace another ceiling fan.
I brought in a table lamp for him to use until he can buy a new one and it started smoking when he plugged it in. Yep, one thing after another....and these are just minor old things that need to be replaced.
C had surgery on his wrist Nov 15th for a ganglion cyst. It was twice as big as the surgeon thought it was. She had to make two incisions in his joint because it had two "roots" instead of one. He has also been diagnosed with Cubital Tunnel Syndrome , similar to Carpel Tunnel but it, but it involves the ulnar nerve. He has physical therapy 3 times a week for his wrist and Cubital Tunnel. He has been having chest pains so a stress test and an echo cardiogram were ordered. They came back abnormal. The lower part of his heart is slow and sluggish. He will have more testing/procedures done in Jan.
M has been having really bad back pain. Lab work confirmed she has Ankylosing Spondylitis (the same thing B has). Hers is in the early stages and she hasn't lost much range of motion yet. B's wasn't caught for a few years which is why he has lost so much range of motion in his shoulders and hips.
On M's last visit the Dr. heard a heart murmur. She will be going in for and echo cardiogram soon to see what's going on with her.
T has been having a lot of hip pain, so x-rays have been ordered.
Then throw Obama Care/Covered Ca in the mix and what a mess medical insurance has become.
On the first of Jan. M will start on Medicare and T will start on Blue Shield. Her private Insurance will no longer exist, hence the Medicare, and T turns 26 on Dec 30th and loses his through the military, so he is signed up for Silver 94.
Just hoping both of their ID cards show up in time.
No Dr. appointments today so I guess I better get to cleaning house. A Gingerbread House, Chocolate Chip cookies and Mount Laundry are on the agenda today.
Hoping everyone else is on time and ready for Christmas!