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Perfectly Imperfect Life..........

Monday, September 10, 2018

Mermaid Garden

It maybe Fall but with temps in the high 90's
 it's hard to think of it as a seasonal change yet.
This project came right after The Fairy Garden. 

Still craving the beach and adding to my Mermaid Deck,
I thought "Why not a Mermaid Garden?"

I dug through my Treasure Pile and came across
this tin box from Dad's Shop. 
Yes, I still have lots of Treasures from the farm

Thought it would be the perfect size for what my end vision would be.

Deciding to paint it instead of leaving it au naturale.
I used Rust-oleum American Accents in Gloss Seaside.

It came out beautifully, if I say so myself!
One thing I planned to do differently from the Fairy Garden
 was to use ALL faux plants. I knew I wanted shells, sand, 
beach glass and other small beach paraphernalia and didn't want 
to take the chance of them being dislodged by watering.

I filled about 3/4 of it with styrofoam, added soil to fill in the gaps,
then started my decorative top/

I draped a piece of netting I found over the inside of the lid, 
which stayed open on it's own. :)
There's faux air plants, seaweed, seahorses, a small mermaid,
a dinglehopper (oh YES! my baby fork embellished with rhinestones)
 along with other ocean inspired bits
entwined in the netting.

On the left ~ 
coral (from Miami Beach), starfish, 
sea glass (from Jewel Beach in Kodiak),
 shells (Miami and Kodiak), baby seahorses,
a dried lotus I stuck Dad's iridescent marbles in, 
faux plants, and a pretty under the sea castle. 

On the right ~
A gorgeous Mermaid I happened upon at Hobby Lobby
(yes, I know she's too big, but it was love at 1st sight - what can I say - 
the heart wants what it wants. LOL
She sits upon a piece of wood with real moss attached 
my sister brought back from one of her treks - 
perfect divider between ocean and beach, don't you think?

Faux plants, a sand castle, 
beach chair (from one of my Birthday Cakes!),
white sand (Miami), and shells (Miami and Kodiak)
dot the beach.

I know I crammed a lot, probably too much,
but I love it!
Another piece of my beach fix til I get there ;)

Piese de resistance!
Says it all! 

 c'est fini


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