It's May 1st already.
Can you believe how fast his year has flown by?
I want to wish you a Happy May Day!
I always thought dressing up in flowing gowns,
wearing flowers in your hair
and dancing around a May Pole would be such fun.
Such a Springtime celebration.
When the kids were younger we would gather flowers from our garden,
make some sort of basket,
place the flowers inside the basket
and sneak to the neighbors' doorsteps.
The baskets were either hung on the door knob
or left on the porch.
Then sneak away.
I think the sneaking was the most fun for them ☺
I found a great tutorial for a May Day Basket at Skip to My Lou.
She uses on hand recyclable materials.
Easy and soo sweet,
don'tcha think?
Wishing the wonderful month of May
brings you joys beyond compare.
May is a favorite Month for me,
perhaps because it's my birthday month ☺
or perhaps
because it's also my youngest's birthday month....
did I mention he was born on my birthday?
yep, he was!