I needed something to semi-block the door to my bedroom.
All of us here have sleeping issues. There are rare times when we are all asleep at the same time. Even with night lights our hall is dark so the hall lights are put on from time to time. There is one right outside my bedroom, which when on shines directly on me, usually waking me up.
I'm sure you're thinking why don't you just close your door.
My bedroom's closed door is still a PTSD trigger for us.
I hit a yard sale a while back that had a box each of unopened Blanket Binding packages and all different kinds of lace, I snagged it. I think I payed around $5 for all! No way could I leave it there, I'd find a project for it one day ;)
It took a bit but my dim bulb finally lit.
Get a spring rod and hang the blanket binding from it,
hoping it would block the intensity of the light.
Grabbing what I thought I would need:
blanket binding, spring rod, cafe hooks, scissors...
then I thought why not add some of the lace too!

Cafe hooks come in so handy

Spring loaded to grab whatever your hanging, slide on a rod
and you're done.

Which is exactly what I did with the blanket binding and lace.
Measuring - I hung/slid one end of lace on the rod, hung the rod,
then cut it when it reached the floor.

I used that piece of lace to measure the rest of blanket binding and lace.

Hooked the cafe hooks on one end, slid them on the spring rod

and hung the rod up. A little fabric tac on the bottom ends
to keep fraying in check and se fini!
Here they are open looking into my bedroom.

Closed looking into my bedroom

Inside my bedroom looking into hall with light on

It works for me.
That glaring light is subdued by the ribbons (seam binding) and lace.