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Perfectly Imperfect Life..........

Friday, July 29, 2011

Farming...It's in Their Blood....

Last weekend  Brandon and Tanya got home from their Honeymoon
so we took Lily home and had a BBQ with Tanya's family.

The "back 40" needed to be mowed so C and T volunteered.

Yep, hat and all.

Looks like a pro, huh?



Yes, I know this isn't farming....

but it's as close as they'll get

now that my parents have passed.

mmm BBQ chicken

Lily is patiently waiting for something to drop ;)

We had a great time with great food and great company!


  1. What great photo's and how cute. I'm so glad everyone could get together to welcome the happy couple home and have a great bbq. Looks like fun to me.

  2. That is definitely not the way we farmed. You make it look so much fun now.


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