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Perfectly Imperfect Life..........

Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Ok, so Maybe I'm not ready for all the celebtation yet, but I WILL be!
I have all the Christmas Decorations down, even the lights..yay me!
I'm probably rushing things a bit but good friends from out of state are comming for a visit and I want to have everything back in place...
more or less anyway ;~)

 I will be taking a break brom blogging while they are here,
but should resume by the middle of the month.
Will you miss me??
I know I will miss you, so I will be popping in to get my fix!
When I come back I'll have lots of pictures to share from our exploits.

In the meantime I want to share some New Years images with you.

Wishing everyone a Healthy Happy New Year!!
Be safe and keep warm..
see you next year!
Big *hugs* to all!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Here are the Paper Towels!!

We celebrated Christmas with my oldest and his girlfriend a few days ago.
To accommodate schedules for everyone we usually have "several" Christmases.

My oldest gave me a most heartfelt gift.
A bundle of Paper Towels!

Now, any of you who watch Family Guy will understand this.
I had the best laugh I've had all year!

As daughters, wives, mothers, we women try our darnest to always provide the makings for the "Best Christmas Ever".
Some may not understand what it takes to put on the festivities.

 When Family Guy came out with it's Christmas Episode
it portrayed this to a tee and became my
"All Time Favorite Christmas Cartoon" to watch during the Holidays.

Here is the clip of when Lois loses it....

If you get the opportunity to see the entire episode, do!

Thanks to my loving son I didn't end up "losing it".
Thanks Brandon and Tanya!! I love you!

I want to wish everyone a Magical Memory Making Merry Christmas!
and Healthy New Year!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Monday!

I'm sure you, like me, have been running around like crazy trying to get all the last minute things together for the Holidays.
You deserve a break!
Grab a cup of tea, coffee, soda...
take a seat and enjoy all the themes for a Monday.
It just may re-energize you...
hey, a girl can dream can't see?

It's Mosaic Monday over at Little Red House.
I chose to use some of my Snowman Collection for today's Mosaic.
Gotta love Snowmen!

Over at Anything Goes Here it's Vintage Christmas Monday.

This is an old quilt someone made for my hubby back in the day.
We use it as our Christmas Tree Skirt.
Even though we had used for 30 some years,
it still makes me smile each year when I pull it out.

These Three Wisemen and Music Box belonged to hubby's Grandmother.
The Wisemen are such a great larger size and
have gems here and there that sparkle at just the right times.
The Music Box still works and plays Silent Night.

Wishing everyone a Magical Memory Making Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fertilizer Friday! 12/18/09

It's time once again for Fertilizer Friday over at Tootsie Time
where we show off our horticultural talents.
I gathered up the courage to venture out
to the backyard to see what I could see.
Not expecting to find much since our Cold Winter Chills have arrived,
I did, however, find one common theme.

No not frost bitten plants!

I discovered several colorful orbs
jumping up and saying over here, over here!

As I approached I noticed one of my larger Roses
had several rather large burnt (no pun intended) orange Rose Hips.
Boy, are they plump!

I turned around to then find a couple lonely Cherry Tomatoes
left on a rather limp vine.
One is trying so very hard to fully rippen!

Then further over I noticed the two Oranges we have are just about ripe themselves!
Orange they looking proud?

Near the Orange is a "wild rose".
Such sweet small cherry red Hips it has.

Just as I turned to head back into the warm house,
I spied the Heavenly Bamboo.
Looks like perhaps the birds have enjoyed some of it's berries!

So there you have it. Not any blooms per se,
but nonetheless, color in the Winter Garden.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Birds Not Raccoons

Thought I would post an update on the Raccoons.
I haven't "seen" them since Cyndar was attacked.
The only thing askew is a few rocks around the top of the waterfall.
But it doesn't appear they have actually entered the pond.

Sardines were placed in the trap but nothing has been touched. I think "if" they have been back they are very cautious. The surely aren't as bold as they were, thank goodness!
So, I think, between Cyndar, unavailable food, fishing line surrounding the pond and the motion activated sprinkler they haven't been back or if they have very little. It also has been pretty cold recently, so they may also be sleeping/staying warm in their hidey home...where ever that is.
But come Spring I need to be on my toes....I have a bad feeling there my be little ones they'll need to feed.

It's kind of funny...
the backyard seems to be taken back.

The birds have returned in full force.

Loads of singing and chirping has been taking place.

I think they feel more at peace now without the coons too.

Yes, they are much more comfortable now.

They love to scrounge for bits/bugs under the leaves 

The Goldfinches love Niger Seed

The House Finches love the Millet

and Canary Seed

Once again the yard is full of welcome visitors!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tasty and Easy Stuffed Rolls

Along with my baking I made some Stuffed Rolls.
Mom used to make these for Christmas Eve
They were inexpensive, easy and you could make them ahead of time.
When I was younger my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins would come over to celebrate on Christmas Eve. We would make tons of these for that night.

We would eat then sit and wait to hear a special bell at the back door.
There was a special guest that would always stop by....

YES! Santa would come to OUR house!
He had his sack of gifts for all us kids.
Later, after I grew up I realized it was my Uncle who played Santa for us
and then my Sister's son...for my children... and my cousins children.

~~Ahh, great Memories~~

But without further adieu, 
*The Stuffed Rolls*

(recipe circa '70's, note typed recipe card!)

Gather all your ingredients.
I substituted ground turkey for the hamburger
because that's what I had on hand.

Mix it all up good

Add to bun

Place onto wax paper

Roll up and twist ends

They fit right back into the bun bag for the freezer

Anytime you want some pop them into the microwave and heat a couple mins.
Handy snack for the older kids to grab.
When my oldest Son owned his Computer Shop,
he would take these for lunch in the winter,
fast and easy to heat and eat.

We will be enjoying these when we celebrate Christmas with our kids
here at home on the 19th.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Mad Baker is in the House

Yep, that's me!
I've started my mad baking for the Holiday's!

Today I baked up 4 loaves of Banana Nut Bread,
2 Loaves of Zuchinni Bread, and Chocolate Zuchinni Cake.
The Zuchinni is from my garden over the summer.
I grated it into 2 cups portions and put it in the frezzer
so it's ready to go when I am ;~)
I do the same with Banana's when they get a little too ripe.
Peel and put 3 to a portion for baking.
Both the Banana's and Zuchinni defrost rather quickly.

I've had alot of compliments on this Banana Bread.
The recipe is from Bisquick back in the '80's.
It's made using just one pan, a big plus in my book!
And it's easy.
When we lived in Miami we had a Banana Tree in our yard.
Needless to say at that time I new this recipe by heart!


Fertilizer Friday! 12/11/09

It's Friday so it's time for
Fertilizer Friday with Tootsie Time!
We finally have had a hard frost and
most of the garden is dormant or burnt from the frost.
So I will be posting pictures from
 the past spring.

Young Azalea's

One of the many orchards near us

My Nectarine and Rosemary

The Nectarine is a rescue, as is our Orange Tree.
Our neighbors next door had their entire backyard full of fruit trees...orange, lemon, peach, apricot, cherry, nectarine, etc.
When they sold their house the new owners ripped out every tree!
I couldn't believe it!
The trees were 5 years old, very established
and full of fruit when the took them out.
We went over and asked it we could have them.
He said yes, that he was taking them to the dumps.
I grabbed the nectarine and orange because they had the least damage.
When I said ripped I meant RIPPED!
I wish they would had offered them to others before just pulling them out.
Like on Freecycle or even just telling the neighbors.
I would have liked to taken more but I just didn't have the room.
the whole thing made me sick.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

All Done!

I'm done
Whew hoo!

I've been working on Holiday goodies for my store and have now completed everything I wanted to for this year. (Ok well, almost everything)
These are the my final ones.
You wouldn't believe what they looked like before,
yes I should have taken pictures.
They are now ready for a new Shabby Cottage home.
Aren't they sweet!
Painted pink and sugared....

a sweet bell...

A tamborine playing Angel...

and an Angel playing the Violin

These, along with other Holiday Decor, are available in my eBay Store.
Which, by the way, is currently On Sale!

Monday, Monday....

Today I'm linking up with:
Joan for Vintage Christmas Monday
Susan for Metamorphosis Monday
Cindy for Make It For Monday
 Mary for Mosaic Monday
Susan for Deck The Halls

Vintage Christmas Monday with Joan over at Anything Goes Here
Deck the Halls with Susan over at Thoughts From Over the Rainbow

My Mother in Law made this gorgeous Jewelry Christmas Tree for us when we were first married....some 35 years ago. Actually it was a combined effort between her and my Father in Law. He making the frame and base and she using vintage baubles to make the lovely tree.
The black velvet back ground has makes the jewelry pop.
We have put it up each year and though it may be on it's umpteenth set of lights it has aged gracefuly.   

This Gurley Santa Candle belonged to my Mom.
 I remember placing him on top of the TV each year while growing up.
Four white plastic Reindeer went in front of him.
He has seen better days but I still love him ;~)
The Shiny Brites in the glass vase behind him also belonged to her as did the tiny ornament garland draped along my mantel shelf. 


Met Monday with Susan over at Between Naps on the Porch
Make it for Monday with Cindy over at Cottage Instincts

Remember this great leaded window I scored?
She has finally made it onto the wall in the kitchen.
The kitchen makeover mentioned here and here
has stalled with the Holidays, but it's just about done anyway. 
The finsihing touches will take place in January.
Anyhoo, the window is hung and decorated for the Holidays too!
I purchased this great sign from Donna over at Daizy Donnas .
When I saw it I had to have it! It's so cute.
She has the sweetest signs, pop over and check them out.

I placed it inside the window.


I added an old cranberry wreath to the corner

''Jack Frost's
Snowflake Cafe`
Stop in and take the chill off''

I love the way is transports you to outside the shop looking in!
I imagine myself standing on the sidewalk, snow falling
and needing a bit of warmth.
I think this just might be a piece of Holiday that will be around all year!


Mosaic Monday with Mary over Little Red House

This week I chose to make a mosaic with some of my Holiday Decorations


Keep warm everyone!


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