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Perfectly Imperfect Life..........

Monday, November 7, 2016

Summers End

Better late than never.
A tad late with this post :(
The end of Summer in the garden.

My lone wild Sunflower is going to seed and the birds are happy.
Hard to see but seeds are being devoured in the center of the photos.

My son and his girlfriend surprised me with 
an Aloe from Casa de Fruita

One of the Drs. we go to is about an hour away. 
For the last 15+ years I've always wanted to stop at a nursery that we pass each time.

Well, I finally did! 
Queen Anne's Garden Nursery in Atwater, CA.
It's a little Mom and Pop place that provide
commercial and public plants.

I picked up a purple Oxalis, Hens and Chicks, 
Tricolor Stonecrop, Creeping Wire Vine,
 Heuchera Marmalade Lime and Heuchera Obsidian

It was a fun place to wander, you never knew what was around the next corner. Hope to make time to stop in again. 
Most helpful owners.

Imagine my surprise when I found this in my garden!
I was ready to step on it!

Then I realized it was transparent.
Could it be a chrysalis? cocoon?
Something alien?  

After researching it is a chrysalis/cocoon.
First time I've ever seen one. Since finding that one, 3 more were found over the next few weeks. I think they were blown out of my neighbors Weeping Willow, maybe?

Most likely from a moth of some sort. 
Still very cool and exciting!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Interview with Dragonfly Treasure

I was recently interviewed by 
Jordan Mason from
 Floor Coverings International.
Thank you Jordan, I'm honored.

At Floor Coverings International Southlake, we love to bring you creative insight and perspectives from some of the most influential bloggers on the web. Our latest interview features arts, crafts, and home and garden blogger Deb of Dragonfly Treasure. You can follow Deb on TwitterFacebookPinterestGoogle+LinkedIn, and Instagram.

What’s one of your favorite design pieces you have in your own home?

I’d have to say an old single pane window I used to transform into “A Day at the Beach” memory piece that currently is hanging in our beachy hall bath. I mixed some glue with sand to add along the bottom to represent the sea bottom. A mermaid silhouette and seashells reside there. A few off white sheets of paper dance in the pane to act as mats for photos of my family at the beach or somewhere near water – circa 50’s-60’s. My favorite was dated 1929 and showcases Bathing Beauties relatives that were before my time. Netting entwined with sticks, starfish, teeny glass bottles, and a run aground wooden boat on the side complete the piece.

What is your favorite design trend of 2016?

Mixed metals I’m excited about. Not just silver and gold but even copper, pewter, bronze and others – RUST even? Seems like anything goes now, even though I’ve been doing this to a small degree, now it’s OK! Like I listen to the trends! Even mixing materials is now popular – metals, stone, wood. I always called it “Eclectic Poor!” 😉Also multiple mirrors. I love mirrors and have a few vintage ones hanging/standing in front of one another by size. All of a sudden I’m trendy; not sure how that happened.

Do you follow any other blogs for inspiration? If so, which ones?

Years ago I used to have time to follow a few blogs. These days I’m afraid to say I just don’t have the time, but I spend many hours in doctors lobbies. I peruse magazines like crazy, sometimes several times over the same zine. Once the “home” zines are done, any subject will do – hey, they have ads in them. My advice? Take the time and devour the photo, piece by piece, just as you do the good zines. You’ll be surprised at the ideas/inspiration you’ll come away with.

Can you explain a recent project you’ve been working on?

I recently finished something that had been waiting in the wings for approximately 10 years, I’m ashamed to say. And it took a challenge for me to do it! I picked up three wooden folding chairs with dark green leather seats. They were in pretty amazing shape and were a steal. There was also a different style that was all wood that I also grabbed from the same thrift store. I could see the leather seat style, in my minds eye, with a white frame against the dark olive leather seats – gorgeous. Then life happened. Fast forward to this spring.
Mother Nature had gotten to the chairs and did her thing. The wood backs were dry, warped, peeling, and past their prime for painting. But I buckled down and scraped, sanded and glued. They still weren’t in good enough shape to paint outright, but much better than before. The leather had held up its end well, so I wanted to keep it original. I decided to paint each chair frame a different color–mint, beige, pink and blue. I knew the backs wouldn’t come out looking as well as envisioned years prior, but I painted them anyway.
Then I got the idea of covering them in napkins. I figured the imperfections in the backs would be harder to see with springy garden napkins over it. I fell into the perfect napkins at an inexpensive store I frequent. I decided to cover only the backs and legs. I then separated the napkin layers, Modge Podged them on, easy as pie, and tore as I went to fit. Once I was all done, I gave it a good two days to dry/cure, then coated all the napkins again for a final sealant coat. They still fold up nicely too!
I love the way each of the different colors show through the napkins on the backs of the chairs. They all coordinate well, but each is unique.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Primitive Homespun Christmas Candy Canes

I ran into these plastic Candy Canes at Dollar Tree 
and my mind went to prim. 

Why is goes to primitive ornaments on certain things this time of year is beyond me.
But I digress...

6 in a package for $1 can't beat that!
I could see them in homespun hanging on an 'Olde Fashioned' Christmas Tree giving a vintage vibe, to die for!

Brought them home and began stripping fabric.
A good way to use up some of those odds and ends pieces!
These could as easily be done up in flowery cottage fabric for a whole different look.

I hot glued one end of fabric to the end of the candy cane 

and began wrapping is round and round until it was completely covered, being sure to keep the fabric taut. 

When reaching the end, hot glue into place toward bottom.

Trim off the excess fabric leaving enough to fold over to finish off the end with a dab of hot glue.
They are ready to hang on your tree, wreath or where ever you'd like. Of course, you can always embellish them.
Raffia, jute, rusty items, a bit of greenery, just about anything 

They make a cute little gift too.
I bundled a few together, tied with jute, 
then un-twisted the jute and made a bow.

Added a rusty jingle bell with a rusty safety pin
and there you have it.
Easy, quick and inexpensive!

Great little remembrance, teacher, hostess, postmaster, 
neighbor, favorite clerk, lab tech, the list goes on.

Here's a little shabby cottage one I made to show
 you one of the other many ways you can decorate these.

 A bit of pink trim leftover from another project, 

 white flower bead trim from a yard sale,
bead caps and tiny pink pearls from my stash. 
Let your inspiration flow and have fun making some!
Some of these made it into my Etsy Shop :)


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