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Perfectly Imperfect Life..........

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Update and a Few Finds

First I want to thank everyone for all the prayers
and well wishes for The Hubbs.
All your support and prayers mean so much to me.

He had an angiogram on Saturday.
It showed one narrowing that was 8.6,
they go in and fix at 8.
So for now his meds have been adjusted,
which should take care of it.
He is home and doing well now.
He says he has quit smoking (it's been 2 days).
Hopefully he means it this time.
He frustrates me so!
He had quit smoking in 2001 after his 1st stent.
The last year, 2009,
after they went in to add another stent (the first one had clogged),
he started smoking again. GRRRR!
Since he started again he's been back in the hospital twice.
Both times, according to the Drs., directly related to the smoking.
So fingers crossed he will quit for the final time.


On to my Treasure :)

I'm joining these Partys this week:
Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays with Linda at Coastal Charm

2nd Time Around with Diane at A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

Vintage Thingie Thursday with Suzanne at Coloradolady

Junkin Finds with Linda at A-La-Carte

Be sure to visit these wonderful Ladies,
you won't be sorry!

Since I spent most of my weekend in the hospital,
I didn't get to go out and about much.
BUT my oldest and his Fiancée had a yard sale this weekend.
On Friday I took over a load to donate......
Actually, I wanted first dibs! ;) LOL

Aren't these silk flowers pretty?
2 bouquets for me :)

I also scored a huge bag of candle wax
(hmm, how'd she know I was thinking of making some candles?),
2 box fans and a portable heater (ready for Summer and Winter),
2 new packs of Tea Light Candles, one peppermint, one cinnamon.
Sorry no pics of those.

As I was leaving I spied this thingie on an old gate (I think)
leaning against the side fence.

I caught my eye because I thought it was a stirrup.
But it's metal, I thought all stirrups were wood?
 I told Brandon to take it off and sell it. LOL
He said you want it?

Well, yeh, but try to sell it first.
He walked over a ripped it off (see the wood still attached!)
and put it in the back of the van.
Yes, I did a little happy dance in my head!!

Haven't thought of where to put it...yet.
But it's cool!
Would make a great hose bib,
if I needed one.

But no worries.
It will find a forever home in the garden somewhere ;)


  1. Hi there sweetie, it's been awhile since I was last here to visit...bad girl!!! I love your little goodies from your son's yard sale...I do love them too...hubby and I usually hit a couple on our Saturday drives...but I wasn't feeling well, so didn't stop at the few we did see..it was pretty cold too. Hope all goes well with your hubby hon...Blessings...have a great week!!

  2. oh, you are going to have to get on to him!!!! to just quit, I know its hard, but probably not as hard as going over and over to the hosipital!!!! make him feel guilty, make your family hug and tell him how much they love and would miss him!!!!

  3. Deb I am glad you found a little time to hit the yard sale...I love early dibs on things. Love the what'sit! Will look great in the yard. I sure hope your hubby will stick to the no smoking. I know it's hard but gosh he keeps getting the 'quit smoking signal' from God! Thanks for joining in the junkin party! hugs, Linda

  4. Love your finds...I have a chain smoker husband...so I understand. I hope this time he can stay quit and his health improves. Lezlee

  5. I hope your hubby will stop smoking and starts doing better:) Lucky you to get to go early!


  6. Sounds like you picked up some goodies-enjoy! Wishing your hubby the best, quitting anything is always hard! Thanks so much for posting my give-away:@)

  7. Great finds at the yardsale. Has your husband tried the Chantrix medication for stopping? I know some people who have done that and were able to stop for good - although one of them had some very weird dreams with it. I've never smoked, but it's supposed to be pretty hard to stop on your own.

  8. Deb- Now I like that stirrup- it will make a nice addition to your garden somewhere. LOL- I'd probably use it inside on display- I like unusual things! Here's hoping your husband finally realizes that it's imperative that he stops smoking for the sake of his health. :-) Sue

  9. I'm sorry your hubbs had a setback. Hopefully he will be able to kick this habit soon. It looks like you mad quite the haul! Love the metal stirrup thingie!

  10. Hope your hubby will listen to sound advice for his health and family.

    Would love to see the candles you make. I've always wanted to try. The old metal stirrup is really cool!


  11. Hi Deb, My BIL went on the patch and he quit after smoking for 60 years. His health is very bad, all due to smoking.
    Love to yard sale and thrift store shopping. Great buy on the wax and the stirrup is fun.
    Prayers will be said for your hubs.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  12. Enjoyed your blog and post. Happy to hear things are improving for your family. Men are kinda stubborn at times.

  13. Deb, I like that stirrup,and think it will be great in the garden! Happy VTT!

  14. Definitely an interesting find which will look very cool and unusual in the garden. Sorry to hear about your husband. It can be so hard to quit. I quit back in February after 27 years (I started in nursery school - lol). I still have some tough moments, but it does get easier. I just had to realize that it would be hard, but the best thing I would ever do for myself. Prayers for both of you!

  15. I smoked for years, then quit cold turkey. The secret is that you "can't smoke just one." The urge to smoke is very strong, but your hubbs can become a non-smoker by not smoking for one minute at a time. He can suck hard candy or a straw, take deep breaths, walk around, punch a pillow, or whatever it takes not to light up. He should throw away all cigarettes and lighters! He can do this! I've been smoke free for over 10 years now, so I know it can be done.


I'd love for you to leave me a comment. Helps me to know I'm not totally crazy...like my family thinks I am!


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