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Perfectly Imperfect Life..........

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

It's Spring!

The bees were placed in the orchards weeks ago! 
That's my cue that Spring is here, 
no matter what the weather feels like.

The fruit trees are starting to bloom - an early Spring this year.

Walk out our front door and the tree (no one knows what it is, not even County Extension) that came with the house is covered with bees!!  Their constant buzz is music to my ears.

All this buzzing brings me hope for the BEES!!
Let me end this post with a Nursery advertisement 
I clipped from the newspaper many, many years ago.
It was so funny I have kept it all these years. 
At the time I was staying with my sister who 
had a yellow VW bug... well, after you read it you'll understand
 and let's just say we could relate! 

The ad read:

"It's true, and it must be contagious because everyone who comes to the Nursery seems to come down with it too!

The Symptoms seems to be:
  1. Restlessness
  2. Urgency to plant every inch of the yard in beautiful Spring flowers
  3. A rash of illogical behavior epitomized by trying to balance 3 flats of annuals in 2 hands and fit a 15 gallon tree in a Volkswagen trunk"

Need I say More?

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