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Monday, June 12, 2017

Make Your Own Fragrant Massage Oil

Let's face it some days are just plain rough.
Whether it's stress or pain that has gotten you down a good massage will certainly help!
Especially one with your custom fragrance!
Ah, c'mon you can make beautiful fragrances, yes I said fragrances. Why have just one, when you can choose one that strikes your fancy on any given day! 

Massage therapists often keep several different massage oils on hand for various complaints and personal scent preferences.
 This recipe is enough for one full body massage. 
Make up a custom blend on the spot, 
or increase the amount of favorite blends 
to have on hand.

Vitamin E - (Optional. 1-2 drops) An antioxidant, it helps prevent rancidity and prolong the life of your oils.

~ Choose 1 or more carrier oils: (2 Tbsp.)

Sweet Almond – Nutty aroma. The most popular oil for massage, it is light and thin, flows well on the skin and does not absorb too quickly.

Grapeseed – Very little scent. A glossy feeling oil, high in skin supporting compounds and great for balancing oily or combination skin.

Olive Oil Pomance – Affordable and odorless. Olive oil is known for improving and strengthening the skin. 

~ Choose 1 or more essential oils: (6-12 drops)

Relaxing and soothinglavender, sweet marjoram, relaxation blend

Clarifying and balancing: geranium, clary sage

Romantic and sensual: ylang ylang, sweet orange

Purifying and cleansing: tea tree, purify blend

Energizing and uplifting: peppermint, energize blend 

Muscle warming: fir balsam


1. Pour 2 Tbsp. carrier oil(s) of choice into an amber glass bottle
The 2 ounce size works well for this recipe.

2. Before adding essential oils, if combining more than one, test a drop of each on a cotton ball to ensure you like the scent combination.

3. To obtain a basic 1% dilution of essential oils, add 6 drops total. For a stronger 2% dilution, add 12 drops.

4. If you are making larger quantities to have on hand, add 1-2 drops of vitamin E oil per oz (or 2 Tbsp) massage oil that will be stored.

Pour a small amount of oil into your palms to warm it prior to the massage.

Massage oils also make very popular and appreciated gifts!

Now go get your favorite person to give you a good massage :)

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