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Perfectly Imperfect Life..........

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fertilizer Friday ~ 10/22/10

Boy, did this week pass me by!
I was a little under the weather
so I think that had something to do with it.

But time marches on and here it is again
Fertilizer Friday over at Tootsie Time.

My Oldest and his Fiancée brought over the pumpkins they grew.
They live in the country and don't get any Trick or Treaters.

Look at the size of these babies!!
All are huge but the one on the left is Mega Huge!

Of course, Mama had to get in on the photo ;)

As I walked around the garden looking for anything in bloom,
I was surprised at what I found.
Oxalis under the pond bench is blooming.
When I was little we called this Sour Grass and used to pull a
stem off an chew on it! LOL

The Purple Potato is in full bloom.
This thing is so vigorous I cut it to the ground each year
and it comes back bigger and bigger

To my delight I found a few of my Lilacs blooming.

This one is from my Mother's Garden.
I love the white edges of the petals.

 Miss Kim has buds ready to burst open.


  1. That IS one huge pumpkin'! Love the way you tucked them in your garden ... your florals are lovely!

    I can't believe we haven't had a frost to take down all my beauties but it looks like another week ... very unusual for here, when we get hit it is going to truly nail us.

    Have a great autumn eve ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  2. Everything is blooming here better than in the spring. My flowers and yard is in full bloom. I like these you shared.

  3. How nice for them that they live in a place where they have the space to grow pumpkins. And...how nice for you that they share them.

  4. All your purple flowers are so pretty, Deb. The pumpkins are good looking too!...Christine

  5. Those are fabulous pumpkins and will make great jack-o-lanterns. I too have some summer flowers reblooming. It has been a strange flowering season. Have a great weekend.

  6. Sorry you're not feeling well...

    That pumpkin is massive. Can't believe how much you have growing in your yard...ours are saying adios until spring...

  7. Cool about the pumpkins...love your pink purplish flower post!

  8. I was so impressed to see the lilacs that are blooming in your garden. Beautiful. We won't see ours for the next six months.

  9. Happy Friday so many pretty flowers still blooming and what great pumpkins .. hey to mama kitty!

    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  10. Hope you are feeling better Deb! All those flowers and those beautiful pumpkins would get anyone in better spirits though!

    Have a beautiful weekend!
    xo Catherine

  11. What an amazing variety of plants you have thriving and blooming right now! The pumpkins are very nice and Mama Kitty looks so nice posing with them. Lilacs--aw, I won't smell their sweet perfume until at least next May. I am so happy to be able to share yours!


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