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Perfectly Imperfect Life..........

Friday, September 5, 2014

Water, Water, Who's Got the Water?

Surely not us!
More water cut backs are in place.
My gardens are so dry.
I'm going to have to look up how to do a rain dance!!
Wanted to pick a bouquet for the house,
but so many plants are wilted.
Scared I'm going to lose some during this drought.
I managed to find a few Honeysuckle blooms - you know Honeysuckle, you can't keep that one down!
So I made a small bouquet.
Yes, it's a little puny, but let me tell you the scent isn't!
One of my fav scents, brings back a lot of
memories from my childhood.
Which normally I would relish,
but been kind of melancholy lately.


  1. I love your honeysuckle bouquet! Yes,the fragrance is heavenly. My late beloved hubby was know to suck the nectar from the blossoms.

    1. OMG! My sister and I used to do that too!! How funny :)

  2. Hi Deb,
    Even a little bit of honeysuckle is wonderful. I think we got your rain! My goodness! I send some your way. :)
    Thank you for sharing your post at Fresh-Cut Friday.


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