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Perfectly Imperfect Life..........

Sunday, December 27, 2020

How to Make a Plastic Pot Look Like a Terra Cotta Pot

With the pandemic there has been few and far between sales, with due cause.  So when Cause for Paws had a plant fundraiser, you can bet we were there with bells on! Being very familiar with these ladies and volunteering at the local shelter we knew there would be social protocols in place and adhered to.  And there were - masks, social distancing and only so many allowed at the tables at a time.

Needless to say I came home with my far share of succulents and others, even this tiny faux orchid that called out to me each time I passed by. I was there for real plants not faux ones!  But she wore me down, besides it was for a good cause, and at 25 cents I couldn't just leave her there. ♥

And I had an idea I wanted to play around with to which she would be perfect.

The flowers were still bright and full of color. The top moss? covering had seen better days and the orchid was in a thin plastic pot.

Time to play! 
Goal - Make it look like an aged terra cotta pot

I first added Joint Compound to the pot, hoping it would resemble the mineral build up clay pots get as they age..
Since I'd never done this before, I started out slow ~ 

Then went for it!

Once it was completely dry. I sanded some of the 
lumpier spots down until I was happy with the way it looked.

Once done sanding I wiped it down with a damp rag to remove any dust.

On the way, but not quite

Next I dabbed on browns and greens
Browns to resemble dirt
Greens to resemble moss

Wasn't happy - too dark

Lightened it up with a bit of Antique White

I added some fresh Reindeer Moss to the
 top and down the sides

In the end I wanted it to coordinate with
these two larger pots

Pretty pleased with the way it turned out.
Since I had everything on hand from other projects, 
total cost 25 cents!

More Trash to Treasure projects here

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Mom's Stuffing Recipe

I think we all grow up with certain smells that triggers fond memories from our childhood.
This stuffing is one that does it for me. We could me anywhere in the house and when our eyes would start to water we knew Mom was making her fabulous Stuffing!
Those onions!

We always had it for the Holidays - Thanksgiving and Christmas. We always had a Ham and a large Turkey. Why both. My Dad's family raised Turkeys when he was young - he'd only eat Ham, guess he'd had enough Turkey growing up.

My Sister has the Thanksgiving Holiday now, or should I say prior to the Pandemic.
She always has the same menu as Mom did. Whenever I was out of state I also made the same. The tradition carries on. My children look forward to that same menu each year now.  Hoping they carry it on long after I'm gone.

I'll make it again for Christmas and can't wait for those aromas to carry me back to my childhood.

Mom's Stuffing

Brown in pan:

1 Onion, ground up
2 lbs. bulk pork sausage
1 cup celery, cut up

Once brown stir in:

1 package seasoned bread crumbs
1 egg, beaten
milk to moisten

Place into buttered casserole dish. Cover with foil. Bake at 325* for 1 hour. 
Serves 8.

Grind onion

Brown sausage, onion, and celery.

Add egg and milk

Butter casserole

Add stuffing

Cover with foil and bake



More recipes

Monday, December 14, 2020


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