It's a fresh new year and I want to clean out unused items, supplies, items that I'm hanging on to that don't really speak to me.
I feel like I can't breathe sometimes and that I'm going to be the next one on Hoarders!
I came across a huge tin full of things of Dad's from WWII and earlier. I know there are collectors out there that will appreciate these things more than I. Now there are certain items I won't part with, like his handwritten Flight Log Book that on one date describes the crash landing his PBY.
But I digress, here are some unique and interesting items that I am honored to present..
Short Snorters
This one has sold.
You're probably wondering what the heck a ''Short Snorter'' is.
This one is available here
These Navy,
and white Rating Patches have already sold.
These assorted WWII US Navy Ribbons are available here
Love these WWII Pins, available here.
These WWII US Navy Combat Air Crew Wings
sold fast!
As did these 2 sets of buttons also!
WW II Antilles Department U S Army Motion Picture Service Coupon Book is Complete! You can find it here
These Unique Vintage Cigarette Lighters from WWII era
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