After many many trips to the dumps, recyclers, and any where else we could get rid of stuff, it's acyually looking pretty good. Knocked down the 2 parts houses and the "gypsy wagaon". Took down the front corral fencing and the stanchions. Sure opens things up so you can really see how much space there is. Still more area to clean up but at least we can see differance. There is a nursery that is interested in leasing. But not sure how we feel about them. They want alot of changes regarding the contract, etc. Plus they are considering tearing down the barn!! That would just break our hearts. Really wanted the house, garage AND barn to stay put. At least until we sell. Dad built all the outbuildings on the property. Plus the realator told us the barn was such a good "landmark" for a business. Well, he's changed his tune. Not sure how I feel about him either. Such is life.
Here's a pic of our barn =)
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