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Perfectly Imperfect Life..........

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

We have been having the craziest weather ever. 
It get so cold at night, down to 20's - 30's.
We awake to a hard frost every morning.
 Now, that's the only normal part.
It then gets up to the high '60's - '70's during the day!
We have yet to have ANY rain!
The Governor has declared a drought. 
We have yet been told what that entails.
Everything is suffering.
I've lost several plants, even established ones.
See that brown shrub on the right in the picture below?
It's Lemon balm and about 5 years old. I'm hoping it will shoot up from the bottom come Spring.
 The frost sucks the life right out of the dehydrated plants.
Wilted and burnt they lay along the ground.

I know this is a anything Floral party, 
don't worry I won't disappoint ;)

Check out my Orchid. It has buds on it!!
This is the first time I haven't killed an Orchid, and believe me I have received so many as gifts.
I always feel so bad when they die.
 BUT I have figured out the secret... ignore it!
It has new growth along the old stems along with more buds.
It even has new leaves!
I usually forget to water it and even forget I have it sometimes. 
My faux Freesia kind of hides it ;)
This is what it looked like when my kids first gave it to me...
and soon will be blooming again, fingers crossed.

Since this is about the only flower I have in all my gardens
 The flowers are my dishes will have to do.
 I love this Rose table my daughter gave me.
 A few gorgeous floral images to share.


  1. Hello Deb, your weather sounds downright frightful. Those are crazy temperature swings. I hope your plants can pull through. Love the orchids, and how nice that it is going to bloom again. I have the worst luck with indoor plants, I actually feel sorry for mine. I don't take very good care of them and it shows. Every time I see orchids for sale I am tempted, but then I remember what their life will be like with me, lol, and leave them in the store. I sure liked your floral pictures, everything here is white outside. Great to hear from you!

  2. Hi Deb, our weather is about like yours. The temps are all over the place. Love your inspiring pics and so encouraged by your orchid. My son gave me two and still trying to grow them with blooms again. They have started new growth so maybe there is hope yet.
    Love the rose table your daughter gave you.

  3. Hi Deb!
    We have had -20's here in Ohio, but beleive it or not still green grass and daffodils are sprouting and trees are budding...50's have helped that. Now snow and below 0 again...sigh...oh and Rednesday is up.

  4. We were having the same temperature swings -- until the days failed to swing upward high enough. Today we were waiting for 40's.

    It is orchid time, dead of winter, indoors. Mine are joined by a budded Amaryllis and Hyacinth. Flowers are what make winter bearable.

  5. Hi Deb,
    This is the perfect post to share for Fresh-Cut Friday! I love that you got your orchid to bloom. I have never gotten one to work for me. :) Good job! :) Have a great weekend.


I'd love for you to leave me a comment. Helps me to know I'm not totally crazy...like my family thinks I am!


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