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Perfectly Imperfect Life..........

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Ty!

To My

We all went to Incredible John's for Pizza and games to celebrate Ty's Birthday. We haven't done anything as a family for quite a while ~ it felt so good and we had a great time.

We played Black Light Mini Golf
T and C
It was so hard to see anything in there, but cool none the less
T choose a green ball

Then Laser Tag, love it!!
 Gearing up

C, B, T
Poor M stood out like a sore thumb!
Note to all: wear dark colors 

T recharging
B's turn to recharge.
 M and T recharging.
I think everyone took more time recharging than hitting
the other teams target!
 T hiding, waiting to pounce!
 There's M again!
BTW, the girls won!

 Onto the Arcade!
Cool Game
C and

 T battle it out!
M playing speed of Light 
Yes, she did well!
 Shooting, always gotta be shootin'!
 T did well also ;)

Then back home form some Ice Cream Cake! Yum!

Happy Birthday Son. I love you and am proud of you!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Ty! Looks like ya'll had a blast. I haven't been out playing games in forever. Love your pretty Kitchen Deb.


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