Welcome to my
Perfectly Imperfect Life..........

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Happy Birthday to My Baby Boy!!!!

You are the best birthday present I ever received!

~ The baby of the family~

~In Alaska~
You were a smart little guy -
throwing your bottle out the door so
Whitley would retrieve it for you!

Always a happy little guy,
even when you had to wear glasses
at such a young age.

You have such a quick whit and
 usually keep us in stitches!

You've grown up too fast

  my fantastic Seafood Chef

I am so PROUD of the man you have become
and honored to call you my Son!
I love you with all my being! 

Happy Birthday Cody!
Happy Birthday to us!!

We've made it through another year.
Especially you with all your surgeries.
This last one was the worst.
I know you're still in the recovery period and
will be for some time, but am so glad it was successful.
It had to be ~ to go through all that pain.
You are so brave!

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