
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Fairy Gnome Garden Made by the Kids

What do you do when you're working on your Fairy Garden 
and the Little's are over?

You have them make their own!

I had gathered up up some fun items I had :
 sea shells, faux succulents, small rocks, etc.

I also picked up a couple of bowls,
 Fairies and Gnomes at the dollar store.

I divided up everything into 2 bags so there wouldn't be any arguing.
''I'' received the Fairy bag and ''B'' received the Gnome bag.

After placing some soil in each bowl they started making their perspective homes.
''B'' liked putting the soil in the bowl.....then stuck in a faux succulent and took off to play.

''I'' planned it all out. She was very meticulous. 

Looking for just the right piece..

She worked on it slow and methodically.

If something didn't look just right, she'd take it all out and begin again.
''B'' would drop by every once in a while to see what was going on.

He finally decided to give it a try.

Once he started, he liked it.
I was really surprised at how long it kept them entertained.
''B'' tried to copy his sisters

Looking good♥
When they were done they were pretty proud of themselves.

''I's'' Fairy Garden

''B's'' Gnome Garden

Best of all, when interest is lost, they don't need to be watered since there aren't any live plants.  They can also rearrange and play with them anytime they want.

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  1. Thanks so much for linking up your cute fairy and gnome gardens post at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 3!

  2. I love this! I have some of these very same fairies and gnomes out in my flower bed and the grandlittles love discovering them anew each time they're here! Blessings for a great week ahead! <3

    1. I love to add new things for the little's to discover each time they visit too!! They get so excited - so do I! LOL

      Thanks for visiting♥
      Many Blessings

  3. I have always wanted to do this with my kiddo. This has lit a fire under me to get it done this year! So cute! #trafficjamweekend

    1. They had so much fun. Izzy more so than Brandon. But he finally got into it. They rearrange them each time they come over. I keep a look out for inexpensive items they can use with them so they don't get tired of the same ones. ♥ Have fun!


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