
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Buried By Zucchini

We are in full swing of production season now!
I just finished canning more Zapplesauce, Strawberry Fig Jam
and Zickles! 

  I have another new recipe to add to my repertoire of Zucchini Recipes thanks to my daughter-in-law!

Zucchini Lasagna
adapted from Tanya Newton's recipe
Ground beef or turkey, cooked
Zucchini skinned and sliced like Lasagna noodles
Spaghetti Sauce
Salt, Pepper, Italian Seasoning and Garlic
Mozzarella Cheese, shredded
Olive Oil
Mix Spaghetti Sauce with pre-cooked meat.
Layer Zucchini slices on bottom of 9"x12" pan.
Brush with Olive Oil.
Add a shake of each Spice to your liking.
Top with meat mixture then Cheese.
Repeat layers until pan is full.
Bake at 425 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes until Zucchini is soft.
You can also top each meat layer with a vegetable of your choice. 
Do I dare say it is AWESOME!!!
Hey, when you're over run with Squash
and you have one in the family that hates veggies,
I have to hide it in whatever I can!
I'm waiting for a Monster Zucchini to come my way.
The thought of Zapple Pie is making me drool
You can guarantee that no matter what comes my way
 I can disguise it into something delicious!
Anyone remember the Fresh Tomato Cake?

Yep, my Tomatoes are ripening pretty quickly
so this may be in the future

Monday, August 11, 2014

Targets #Cartwheel #Coupon App

Target is way ahead of the competition with their new digital coupon app, #Cartwheel.  Everyone wants to save money all the time, but with school starting everyone's looking for back to school savings. 

Target is ready to help you out with not only savings for school clothes and supplies, but savings for throughout your home.
Purex is getting in on saving you some cash too with a promotion at Target. Now through the end of August, get 10% off any Purex detergent at Target stores with a #Cartwheel coupon!

OK, What is #Cartwheel? We've all probably seen the commercials on TV but did we really understand what it was all about? 
If you shop at Target, you may have understood more.

How exactly does #Cartwheel work?

Log in to #Cartwheel on your computer, phone or tablet with this URL.

Click on the “Browse” tab and choose a category.  You can sort by newest, trending, or by highest value discount.  Choose up to 10 offers and add them to you list.  A red check appears in the corner of the offer card once a deal has been added.

 Once you are done choosing, click on the “Barcode” tab.  A personalized barcode coupon will appear.  Print it out, go shop getting the products you've chosen, then when checking out ask the cashier to scan your barcode for your savings..

Can you use Target Cartwheel with coupons?

Yes, Target Cartwheel may be used with manufacturer coupons,
Target Mobile Coupons and Target printable coupons. 
Target Cartwheel offers are deducted BEFORE manufacturer coupons and AFTER Target Coupons
The offer may be used on (4) of the same item, in the same shopping trip.
A Target Cartwheel offer may be used only once.