
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Holiday Baking with Some Knock Offs

OK OK I finally got off my bottom and did some baking.
I was waiting for it to rain. Why?
Because that's when I enjoying baking.
BUT the weather wasn't cooperating and it's getting pretty close to Christmas so....

But let me digress for a minute.
We went for a visit to B & T's for a doggie play date with Lily last weekend
and came home with lots and lots of Pecans from her parents tree!

How awesome is that!
Thank you so much L & J!!!
I have already shelled ALL of them!

OK on to the baking...
I made 4 loaves of Zucchini Bread and 3 loaves of Banana Bread

This is my fave recipe for the Banana Bread

Only I didn't check to see if I had enough Bisquick ----
I didn't :(
I didn't feel like going to the store,
but remembered I had a recipe of Knock off Bisquick.
I dug it out made it and used it in place of Bisquick.
It worked perfectly! Yay!

I don't plan on buying Bisquick anymore because this is so much cheaper!
Here's the recipe should you happen to run out...

Homemade Bisquick Mix

5 cups flour
1/4 cup baking powder
2 Tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter or margarine

Mix together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt.
Cut in butter until mixture is crumbly.
Store in an airtight container for up to 6 weeks or in the freezer for longer storage
Makes approx. 6 cups.

Use for any recipes as you would Bisquick.

I've also made 2 batches of Rice Krispy Treats, a double batch of Rocky Road,
white chocolate fudge with pecans and chocolate fudge with walnuts.

I also have a knock off recipe for Sweetened Condensed Milk.
I haven't tried it but in case you happen to run out here it is.

Sweetened Condensed Milk

1 cup instant nonfat dry milk
2/3 cup sugar
3 Tablespoons melted margarine
1/3 cup boiling water

Combine all ingredients in blender or food processor (it can be done by hand).
Blend until very smooth. Store in refrigerator until ready to use.
Makes 1 1/4 cups equal to a 14 oz can of commercial sweetened condensed milk.
For fat free, leave out the margarine.

2 batches of Cinnamon Oatmeal Cookies

and 3 batches of Chocolate Leftover Cookies.

Why are they called "leftover" cookies?
Because I threw in what ever was leftover from the rest, LOL
Some chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, pecans, walnuts, oatmeal,
I think there may have been a few stray marshmallows in there too ;)

I'm baked out!
I'll see how I feel tomorrow whether I'll do more baking or not.
If only it would rain.....


  1. oh so YUMMY and WOW that is A LOT of pecans!!!!! a lot of shelling and a lot of deliciousness!!!!! thanks for sharing! sending holiday hugs...

  2. You are making me hungry! I'm sipping coffee and wishing I had a slice of homemade bread!

  3. If those were my pecans, I would foresee fresh pecan pie.

  4. Oh sweet girl, ya got me rollin' with that comic gingerbread man! Heeeheehhee!!!!

    You've been just a bakin' fool haven't ya. Mmmmmm, I can almost smell those fresh made loaves now! Everything looks delicious.

    God bless ya sweetie and have a bright and beautiful Christmas with your precious family!


  5. We used to have a friend that gave us boxes of pecans. My favorite nut! YUmmm! I'm baking today. Thanks for visiting and Merry Christmas!

  6. Wow! You sure have been a busy baker and way ahead of me. Everything looks so tasty!
    I wish you and your family the very best Christmas and a happy and healthy 2012. Hugs to you.

  7. Mmmmmm.....very yummy things over here today!
    I hope you get your rain!
    xo Catherine

  8. Oh wow... look at all of the delicious things you have made! So good to know about the ingredient substitutions.

    Sending wishes for a very Merry Christmas!
    Kindly, Lorraine

  9. Did you dream about baking after all of this. OMG girlfriend when you decide to bake rain or not you Bake. hahaha
    I thought I was doing good by making several batches of candy, some cookies and pecan tarts but nothing compared to yours.
    Everything looks really yummy.
    That joke at the end is way way toooooo funny
    Merry Christmas dear friend


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