
Friday, August 26, 2022

Campers and Trucks Holiday Garland ~ Review

This 15' white Tinsel Garland by Holiday Time is the cutest I've seen in a long time. 

It's decorated with Christmas Tree topped red campers and trucks. 

I was surprised by how lush the garland is, not sparse at all. Strong, not flimsy.

This garland is very versatile, perfect for your Christmas Tree, banister, doorway - anywhere you need some Holiday cheer.

 I may have received one or more of the products mentioned above for free or a discounted price. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Composting Equals Surprises

Another lazy gardener tip!
 I have no room for a compost pile nor the energy to tend to it.
So this is my little hack.

I collect all fruit and vegetable peels along with trimmings, eggs shells, coffee grounds, tea bags, fruit or veggies past their prime, etc.  They are added to a bowl I keep on my counter (I'm sure you could find something much prettier).

When I get a chance I bury them around my gardens.

Just dig a hole 

Add trimmings from the bowl

Cover with dirt and tamp down.

The trimmings will decompose adding nutrients to your garden as well as feed your worms.


You just never know what will pop up when composting this way.

This year I have these awesome volunteer plants!


Cantaloupe that is taking over

Full of blooms

With Cantaloupes almost ready to pick

This Cherry Tomato made it through 2 Winter so far!
And it's producing for the 3rd year!
I don't know how that is possible 
but I have watched it very closely and it is the same plant.

So not only are you making your gardens healthier, reducing your waste, and feeding the worms, but you just may get some volunteer plants along the way.

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