
Saturday, October 10, 2020

Color & Cook HALLOWEEN

Print, color, relax 😊

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Sunday, October 4, 2020

Bedroom Wall Makeover After Disaster

Someone up there was looking out for me...

I was in the middle of changing my sheets,
oh yes, the highlight of my day!
Had the door closed to keep the dogs out.
I was in the kitchen when I heard a huge "thwomp"!!

M and I looked at each other with the same "what the heck was that?"

We tipped toed down the hall

checked on T - he was snoring
checked on C - he was at his door with the same look pointing to my room

Slowly opening my door I could see the back of my bed's wall was completely destroyed :O

My shutters that make-up my headboard were still there but my sheers were torn down along with my little lights and all the rest of my embellishments I had decorating the wall.

AND THEN I noticed my Paternal GRANDPARENTS WEDDING portrait wasn't there!  That's what had fallen and brought everything with it!

OMG! OMG! Please don't let the glass be broke!
It wasn't! How did it land on the cement floor and not break?

The frame was a goner, as I probably would have been if I were in bed when the original hanger gave and it fell.

I knew my sister needed an oval convex glass for one of the family portraits she had, so it would have a good home. (I actually knew how to repair the frame so I could keep it, but my to do list and maintenance on the house list is from here to the moon already!)  I asked her if she wanted the frame and that the photo was ripped when Dad gave it to me. I had priced how much to repair it and was told an exorbitant amount by several shops. Hence why it was never repaired.

She ended up taking it all.
I'm guilt free   whew!

I figured the next thing was to finish taking the sheers down and launder them...

after untangling my lights from them (you can see the wires on the right)

Since the portrait was now gone, I needed to rearrange my wall 

and figure out what to do with all my wings.

Sheers and lights are up, beds made more or less...

Decided my chicken feather wings needed an update,
I hit up my stash.

Working on the black and white wings (left side in pic #1)
Made a white ribbon bow and added my Maternal Grandmother's jewelry in the center

I also added thin black ribbons to stream down.
Love the black and rhinestone brooch on the black and white wings!

Brown and white wings (right side pic #1)
 started with a gold ribbon 

I found another brooch that was my maternal Grandmother's that looked perfect with these wings. 

I kept these simple, just the ribbon and brooch.

Love that the brooch dangles.

If you follow me you know I'm always really happy when I can bring heirlooms out of my drawers and use them in something that I can see every day.  So much better to see them and be reminded of the memories than hidden away!

Onto my large white wings that would take the place of where the portrait was.
These were truly a labor of love. Took me a long time to collect all the white feathers. Then had a crazy idea to add just a touch of sparkle with silver tinsel.
Glitter would have been so much easier!!

I only had this off white ribbon on hand, would have preferred white, but was using what I had. I made a big bow to place in the center.

I anchored it to the center with a long twist tie

I knew I wanted a flower in the center.
I tried it without stems..

and with stems.

It just didn't look right. I added sparkly ribbon to the center of the bow,

along with several thin silver ribbon streamers.

I went with just the flower, no stems. 

Now to arrange it all back on the wall ~

I changed up the top by switching out the dishes for big beautiful faux flowers

Brown and white wings to the left

Black and white to the right

 my white ones go center stage

White Doves were added here and there, as well as my Dragonflies.
To the top of the shutters I placed my upcycled Dollar Store Cross.

My newly arranged headboard backdrop.
(With bare wreaths waiting to be created into something spectacular hanging on the left side)

Love it!

I do miss my Grandparents though......