
Friday, May 27, 2016

SAY IT AIN"T SO!! Izzy Turns One!!!

May 28 ~ Izabelle's First Birthday!!

It seems just like yesterday we were
at Peek A Baby seeing you in your Mommy's tummy!

Then a miracle happened ~YOU were born

You were beautiful

You took my breath away,
stole my heart,
and I fell in L♥VE

You and your Godfather have a special connection.
No need for "words"
You just look into each others eyes
and you can see communication

So precious,
you opened all our hearts,
and brought light into our life

Such a joyful and emotional time for us all.

Then you started to grow!

Too darn fast!

You love your Crazy Auntie M

So pretty in your Easter Dress

We always have fun during your sleepovers

whether having an outing


or playing at Grammy's

But the best part is the cuddling
 How can you be 1 already?

I love you with all my being
you hold my heart in your hands
YOU are my Sunshine
the light in my life

Paint'em Pretty ~ Springtime

I love the combination of pink and green,
this is actually the first time I've done this combo on my nails.
 My me time has been pretty rushed as of late ~ not enjoyable as it is meant to be. But as I'm sure you have read, things are still crazier than normal here. This seems to becoming our norm.
I sure hope not though!

A couple coats of 892 Mega Watt by LA Colors Color Craze
with Current by LA Colors Color Craze on my accent nail.
More quickie yellow with pink center floral decals. 

Topped with Sally Hansen's Megashine.

Till next time,
hoping things slow down here.
Enjoy your me time, whatever it is!

Never Tie Your Shoe Laces Again! #shoelaces

Ever struggled with your patience as your child spends an extra 10 minutes tying their shoes in the morning during the “get out the door rush”?
what about those laces that no matter how well, you as an adult tie them, they always seem to come untied?

Not to mention anyone possibly tripping over an
untied shoe lace and getting hurt.
Frustration to the max!

Well, NO MORE!
It's time to put an end to this annoyance and replace your old laces with Uniqhia No Tie Shoelaces for Kids and Adults.


''-Made of High Quality Food-Grade Silicone, BPA Free and Non-Toxic
Quick and Simple Installation - Replace your old laces quickly and easily! One size fits all.
-Each pack contains 16 pieces, enough for a single pair of shoes. And you never have to worry about them coming untied!

-Available in adult and child sizes

-Available in a variety of colors
to choose from, and are quick and easy to change out.

Easy to Clean and Waterproof - The shoelaces are waterproof and don't get wet in the rain or snow. When they get dirty, simply wipe them off with a wet cloth and they will look brand new!
-Extra Comfort/Support - The elastic and silicon material conforms to your foot for better comfort and support as opposed to regular flat/nylon laces. It also reduces pressure points at the top of your foot and allows your feet to feel more relaxed at the end of the day. Versatile enough to fit any shoes or boots you own.
-Perfect For Everyone - Unique gift for Kids, Parents, Friends, and anyone who hates having to tie their laces! Great for athletes who are tired of their laces coming undone during sports, and moms who want to protect their little ones from tripping over untied laces.

-In order to prolong the life of your No-Tie Laces, please keep them away from sharp objects, such as knives and scissors, and away from fire and other extreme heat sources.''


My son instantly installed them onto a pair of sneakers he has for a while now but hasn't been wearing them because they have those kind of laces that no matter what you do they just don't stay tied - and he likes his shoes tied! Mom keeps forgetting to pick up a replacement pair of laces, I know, bad Mom!

He had a little difficulty pushing the tabs through the holes but eventually got the hang of it and had them finished in no time.

Needless to say he I don't think he's taken them off since! 
He does like the fact that he can slip them on with ease and doesn't have to worry about them coming untied.
He likes the they are snug but comfortable.
They are a big hit!
My other son has been circling,
I think another set is in our near future ;)

These are ingenious! Such a time saver, the silicone is strong. When my son was pulling them through the holes I was waiting for them to snap, they held their own, impressive. Made well. 

Piece of mind:
30 day money back guarantee with receipt or packing slip.
If you are not satisfied for any reason, you may return the product within 30 days from date of purchase for a full refund or exchange.
Uniqhia No Tie Shoelaces are available on Amazon.

 I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free or a
discounted price from Uniqhia. Regardless, all opinions expressed are
my honest opinions based on my personal experiences.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Don't Beleive Everything You Read #coontrap #amputation

If you're a regular reader of my blog you know
that from time to time we have major issues
with nasty varmints called Raccoons, like
here, here, here, here, and here.

I'm old enough by now to know this.
But sometimes after researching products,
upon products because you are at your wits end.
you feel you have finally found something
out of desperation that will hopefully work.

Enter ''The Dog/Cat Proof Coon Trap
features a fully enclosed dog, cat proof design''.
Note: dog, cat proof.

Yes we bit - after reading all the reviews, watching You Tube videos, researching the manufacturer and anything else we could find to be sure our pets would not be harmed.

Coons could get in while going for the bait,
trigger trap. Then you relocate.

Unfortunately, we paid the ultimate price.
My sons cat somehow got her leg tangled in the trap.
M was the only one at home at the time.
Heard her and tried to untangle her only to be bitten.
Bynx was writhing and of course hysterical, as was M.
She called us, just happened we were already on the way home from getting T and C's xrays, but were still outside Turlock.
I flew as fast as I could home.

We divided and conquered in a matter of minutes -
T untangled Bynx, C wrapped her in a towel,
I got the carrier down and called the vet while
M tended to her wounds.
We were told to bring Bynx right in.
Hung up and called Dr. Canga re. M.
She has received the TDAP shot last year,
so she didn't need a tetanus shot,
but was told they called in an antibiotic as a precaution.

Got to the vet, thank God it was Dr. Woultee's day to be there. Xrays were taken.
To make a long story short, amputation was decided.
Due to the amount of physical and mental trauma she had gone thru, it was decided to wait until May 24th to amputate.
She was kept comfortable over the weekend
with pain meds and an antibiotic was started.

She went through the surgery well.
Once we got her home, she was back to her old self.
She wanted to be petted, she even purred later that night.
What aggravated her more was the E-collar not her missing limb.

She had already been walking on 3 legs since
being tangled in the trap,
so for her that wasn't the issue.
She drank water, ate, and peed ~ ALL great things!

As I write this I have mixed emotions.
I'm relieved and pray that all goes well with her recovery.
She'll stay in one of our dog kennels for the
time being to limit her activity.

But now something is wrong with Katie.
She's lethargic, not eating and bloated.
I was so focused on Bynx' drop off yesterday
I didn't watch the dogs eat.
I think she ate hers, Bella's and Tora's breakfast.
There was still food in Tora's dish, that means
she was so full she couldn't eat anymore.
Sometimes Bella and Tora just aren't that hungry,
I put their dishes up so Katie can't get to them.
So I'm waiting to call the vet as I write this.
I'm hoping that is all it is.
She has been monitored for sometime due to her age.
Her lab work points to Cushing's Disease,
but she has no symptoms as of yet.
I'm hoping this isn't one of them.

The raccoons win again :(

True Confessions

I'm joining:

Create with Joy ~ Wordless Wednesday
Oh My Heartsie Girl  ~ Wordless Wednesday
Be There 2 Day ~ Wordless Wednesday