
Monday, October 19, 2015

End of the Summer Garden Projects

Yep, we're out of Summer so here goes
with getting a move on and getting these out into the blog!
I moved all my poor old weather worn birdhouses to one section of fence so they are all together, a vignette if you will. BUT before I did, I added embellishments and found items to them not only help secure them back together but to snaz them up a bit.
My small aviary is to the left and needed something to place at the end of the lath where the fence was exposed. I had a window left over ~ are they really leftover or are we just waiting for the right place for them? :-)
Anyway Dad's huge crock has a crack so I usually use it for a table, which is this case made it the right height to place the window on.
My Grandmother's enamel pot with wire handle in front filled with pinecones and hanging bunny was a perfect ending. Eventually seeing thru the window bugged me so I hung an old piece of stained glass behind it. Unfortunately I have no photos of it.
Remember I said how busy I've been!
I picked up this wonderful birdcage at a rummage sale for $3. I left it outside for a couple years so it would rust ~ I love it!
I paired it with a rusty white metal table and planted it with all different kinds succulents.
(those of you who follow me know the meaning behind these)
sit right in front. The bird spigot was my Dads.
Now that I see my tall birdhouse, I probably should have given it a fresh coat of paint. Oh well, there's always next year.

 This birdhouse was given to me by my brother-in-law. His Grandfather made it when he and his brothers were small. He had fixed it all up prior to giving it to us.  It was falling apart again, so I did my best to reinforce it for my kids - since it was made by their Great Grandfather.

 My Aunt gave me this sweet little thing.
I added the scrolling on front and brass strap along the bottom.
*Best memory*
One Easter someone hid an egg in the entry hole.
When one the kiddos spied it they went to get in it and it fell in.
 No one could fit their hand inside. 
Leave it to Aunt Cecelia to fit her and inside and
get it out of her old birdhouse!

T won this Teapot birdhouse at Tanya's Baby Shower!!!
LOL Leave it to him!
This Garden Angel hung on Mom's garden for years.
My sister made the blue birdhouse as a gift for me.
The bunny and some of the other birdhouses
came from garage sales.

As you can see the Bunnies have hopped over
and made this area their home also.

My son was putting the last of the new light fixtures up in their home and he is kind enough to pass them down to me! Yippee!

With this one I could see right away what it was to turn in to.
When we got home T and C "planted" a 4x4 in the front yard where I wanted it. Thanks guys, Love YOU!
I had to wait a couple of days to get to the store to buy the one thing needed to complete it ~ a string of solar lights.

When I got them I placed the string of lights inside the globe, screwed the globe to base on the 4x4, stuck the solar panel in the ground...and viola`!

A Garden Lantern!

I love it!!
It doesn't provide much light
but it didn't cost much either!

Here it is with the flash on
Now my bike has something solid to lean on :-)

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Garden in Flight ~ or Hop ~

Extremely busy is what this time of the year brings ~ yard work, housework, preparation for the Holidays ~ well, throw in medical issues and overload is bound to happen.
My head is ready to explode!
I keep waiting for that purple dust cloud like on the commercial
Several members of my family will be having surgeries with in 2 weeks with another a few weeks later. Surgeries stared last week, another this week then another the following. Throw in my son having kidney stones on top for good measure and this Mom is so behind if I start now I may catch up by next year!
My blog folder is full of photos full of good intent on posting, the time just slips away. 
SO I am hoping get some posts under my belt. They will probably be a little on the light side word wise ~ but I need to get these Summer photos outta here!! LOL
Scrub Jays dropping by for a bite to eat.
 Cracking seed on our "Skeksi" Pine

Hummers like guarding their feeder from the clothesline

Finally a Dove! 
Sometimes the Jays overrun them and scare them away :-(

One of our big red's dropped by but I was a fumbler that day and al I could get was a blurred shot that he even sat still for!

Time for a bath you dirty bird!!