
Friday, September 5, 2014

Water, Water, Who's Got the Water?

Surely not us!
More water cut backs are in place.
My gardens are so dry.
I'm going to have to look up how to do a rain dance!!
Wanted to pick a bouquet for the house,
but so many plants are wilted.
Scared I'm going to lose some during this drought.
I managed to find a few Honeysuckle blooms - you know Honeysuckle, you can't keep that one down!
So I made a small bouquet.
Yes, it's a little puny, but let me tell you the scent isn't!
One of my fav scents, brings back a lot of
memories from my childhood.
Which normally I would relish,
but been kind of melancholy lately.

Monday, September 1, 2014

More on Infused Spa Waters

I've been broadening my horizons since my last post on
I've figured out what to do with some of my Grapes...
Make infused water!

You could use red or green Grapes, but since I have Thompson Seedless coming out of my ears that's what I used.
I cut each Grape in half and threw about a couple good sized handfuls in. Since Grapes have a mild flavor, I didn't even bother measuring.
I had purchased a pineapple and had some leftover so I threw in a small handful, I didn't want the Pineapple to overpower the grapes.

Let is sit till the next day and yummy!
I still had some Pineapple left so I threw the rest in along with Strawberries. A light tropical flavor, but need to watch how much Pineapple you throw in, as it can over power!

My Cucumbers are coming in, more than that first lonely one!
 I tried Cucumber, Mint and Lemon.
I have Mint in my garden and my neighbor gave me some Lemons off her tree. Cost - zip!
The flavor was  mile yet invigorating, probably from the Lemon and Mint ;)
My neighbor also gave me some frozen Lemon juice she squeezed from the her Lemons, so when the fresh ones are gone I'll try that. But when using the whole Lemon you get the oils from the rind too. 
But my all time fav is Watermelon!
Tastes like Summer!
Confession, I don't know what others do, but I always eat the fruit/veggies that makes it into my glass or is left over when the waters gone. Waste not want not!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

What's NEW at Dragonfly Treasure?

It's getting to that time of the year again to
beware of things that go bump in the night!

New at Dragonfly Treasure on Etsy for your pleasure!

Witches Apothecary Cabinet
 Filled with all kinds of concoctions!
To see click here 

 A plethora of bottled Potion Ingredients for
the Witches' Apothecary


and here

BOO Pumpkins here

Coffin Box
Check what's inside here

 Rare Ingredient inside here

Be Vewy, Vewy Quiet....

''Be Vewy, Vewy Quiet.......I'm hunting meals on wheels!   Shhhh!''