
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fertilizer Friday! 12/18/09

It's time once again for Fertilizer Friday over at Tootsie Time
where we show off our horticultural talents.
I gathered up the courage to venture out
to the backyard to see what I could see.
Not expecting to find much since our Cold Winter Chills have arrived,
I did, however, find one common theme.

No not frost bitten plants!

I discovered several colorful orbs
jumping up and saying over here, over here!

As I approached I noticed one of my larger Roses
had several rather large burnt (no pun intended) orange Rose Hips.
Boy, are they plump!

I turned around to then find a couple lonely Cherry Tomatoes
left on a rather limp vine.
One is trying so very hard to fully rippen!

Then further over I noticed the two Oranges we have are just about ripe themselves!
Orange they looking proud?

Near the Orange is a "wild rose".
Such sweet small cherry red Hips it has.

Just as I turned to head back into the warm house,
I spied the Heavenly Bamboo.
Looks like perhaps the birds have enjoyed some of it's berries!

So there you have it. Not any blooms per se,
but nonetheless, color in the Winter Garden.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Birds Not Raccoons

Thought I would post an update on the Raccoons.
I haven't "seen" them since Cyndar was attacked.
The only thing askew is a few rocks around the top of the waterfall.
But it doesn't appear they have actually entered the pond.

Sardines were placed in the trap but nothing has been touched. I think "if" they have been back they are very cautious. The surely aren't as bold as they were, thank goodness!
So, I think, between Cyndar, unavailable food, fishing line surrounding the pond and the motion activated sprinkler they haven't been back or if they have very little. It also has been pretty cold recently, so they may also be sleeping/staying warm in their hidey home...where ever that is.
But come Spring I need to be on my toes....I have a bad feeling there my be little ones they'll need to feed.

It's kind of funny...
the backyard seems to be taken back.

The birds have returned in full force.

Loads of singing and chirping has been taking place.

I think they feel more at peace now without the coons too.

Yes, they are much more comfortable now.

They love to scrounge for bits/bugs under the leaves 

The Goldfinches love Niger Seed

The House Finches love the Millet

and Canary Seed

Once again the yard is full of welcome visitors!