
Sunday, November 21, 2021

November Gardening Tips



■ Clean, sharpen, and oil 
garden tools.
■ Start forcing bulbs 
like paperwhites, hyacinth, 
and amaryllis for the 
■ Add organic matter 
to beds
■ Cover compost so that 
rain doesn't 
flood and leach the nutrients
■ Keep weeding

Frost Tips

■ Prune flowering trees 
as they drop their blossoms
■ Plant Roses, Azaleas and
Camellias, and Tropical Fruit 
Trees suited to your area
as they become available
■ Keep planting bulbs that don't
require a cold period 
(amaryllis, anemone, calla lily, 
freesia, homeria, lilies,
oxalis, Ranunculus, Sparaxis, 
watsonia) and annuals with 
cool season bloomers
■ Keep your fall vegetable 
garden going.
■ Sow wildflower seeds
■ Keep an eye out for
 insect pests