
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Great Backyard Bird Count is back and more important than ever

Eastern Bluebird
Counting is Caring: Join the Great Backyard Bird Count
The 23rd Annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) begins next
 week on Valentine’s Day, Friday, February 14, and continues 
through Monday, February 17. And when the latest science shows
 that two-thirds of North American birds are threatened by climate 
change, there is no better time to get involved.

The GBBC is a free, fun, and family-friendly way to 
support bird conservation. Here’s how it works: spend as 
little as 15 minutes on one or more days of the count tallying birds
 in your community, and then submit your lists online. The data 
collected by volunteers from around the world powers conservation
 initiatives and helps us better understand how climate change will
 impact the birds we all love.

All it takes is 15 minutes to make a difference. To learn how to 
participate in this year’s Great Backyard Bird Count click HERE. 
Snow Geese

More posts about GBBC HERE