
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Potato Beads

Yes, that's right, potato beads!
I know it sounds a little crazy...well, a lot crazy, but you can make beads from potatoes. You won't believe how great they can look!

Give it a try...all you can lose is a potato!!
Begin by peeling and cutting the potato in half.
Next cut the potato halves down into interesting shaped chunks
a little larger to allow for some shrinkage.

Put the beads on bamboo skewers.
Let them dry out completely, which usually takes a few days to a week.
Or if your impatient ;)
you can dry them in your oven at 200°F for three hours 
or until dry and hard.

When the beads are done drying they will be hard.

Once the beads are dry, you can remove them from the skewers and paint by hand with one or two coats of acrylic paint. Be sure to let dry completely between each coat. 

Alternately you can leave them on the skewers and 
spray paint them, again  
being sure to allow to dry between coats. 

Once your done painting follow with a couple coats of sealer.
I used Rust-oleum Ultra Cover in Clear Gloss. Be sure to let dry completely between each coat. 

There you go, your beads are ready to be used as you desire.
Gorgeous and inexpensive room divider or doorway hanging.

I decided to make napkin rings.
You use as you would any other bead.
You can make the "chunks" any shape you'd like.

I threaded them, along with other "regular" beads I had, on linen cording.
When they were the correct size, I tried them on a napkin to be sure,
I knotted the ends of the cording together.

That's it. Easy peasy!

I whipped up some more.

I even added some charms on these!
You're only limit is your imagination.
They would look amazing coordinated with your table setting!

Not bad for a potato huh?

I want to thank Marci from Stone Cottage Adventures
for featuring this post ♥

I also want to thank Ann from The Apple Street Cottage
for featuring this post ♥