
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

100% Organic Wool Dryer Balls ~ Review

How many of you get tired of buying fabric softener sheets?
I know I do.
I feel it's money down the drain.

I was recently introduced to

CoolClouds Wool Dryer Balls!

I know you're saying what are those?

They are 100% Organic Wool Dryer Balls
you place along with your wet clothing in your dryer
to reduce static cling and wrinkles.
Being Hypoallergenic, Chemical Free, and Non-Toxic
makes them safe for the most sensitive skin.

They take the place of those costly dryer sheets since they are reusable!

I was really excited to try them out, keeping fingers crossed that they worked as good as I wanted them to.
 Especially with my towels. 
Fabric softener sheets seem to inhibit their absorbency, very frustrating.
And of course with wrinkles, a given.

I am very happy to report I have done my happy dance!!
My towels are soft and absorbent again! 
Static is nil as well as wrinkles on clothes.

They have saved my drying time by half, which is unbelievable! 
What is amazing to me, is when I wash comforters they seems to always wind up in a ball with a large damp spot still in the center -
 which, of course, requires another drying cycle.
Not with these wool dryer balls! 
The whole comfortable was dry the first time!

I added a few drops of Lavender Essential Oil when drying my sheets. 
It was heaven slipping into them.

I really like that they are reusable,
which saves me money.

Love these Wool Dryer Balls!!

They come is such a great large size!

Wool Dryer Balls - 100% Organic Wool, 6 Pack XL Natural Fabric Softener, Handmade Laundry Dryer Ball Reduce Wrinkles, Static Cling, Hypoallergenic, Chemical Free, Non-Toxic Reusable (3 white+3 gray)

Product Specifications:

''Why we should start to use this wool dryer balls?? Your family will be healthier. The Organic Dryer Balls are very safe to use for your family as it is free from any chemicals or pesticides. This means there are no toxic chemicals used to coat your clothing. Using our dryer balls is a definite advantage for people with sensitive skin, allergies and for babies/toddlers. You'll save TIME and ENERGY.

 Using the Wool Dryer Balls will help you reduce drying time by 25% as each ball tumbles in your machine when put with laundry which helps to create space between your clothes so the warm air of your dryer can circulate deep inside the load to dry everything more thoroughly and efficiently, thereby saving precious electrical energy in the process. You'll save MONEY. Our Wool Dryer Balls are reusable and therefore you can buy just one pack of dryer balls which will run for months. This means you no longer need to throw away $+ per box of scented dryer sheets. And, since drying time of laundry cuts in half, it also helps you save on your electric bills. You'll soften your laundry and reduce wrinkles! 
As Our Wool Dryer balls made of 100% wool, they gently tumble through your clothing and naturally soften your clothes and reduce wrinkles in the process.'' 

Instruction For use:

● Put 3-4 pcs organic wool balls for small or medium load,and 6 pcs for large. 
●Try a few drops of essential oil (lavender, lemon, etc) to get wonderful smell of your laundry. (This is optional) 
● You may notice variations in size, color and texture as they are handmade. 
● Over-drying may increase static cling, try to set shorter time or use moisture-sensitive setting to prevent static cling.

Package includes: 
● 6 x Wool Dryer Balls 
● 1 x 100% Nature Cotton bag

You can have some too!
Find them here

 I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free or a 
discounted price from CoolClouds . Regardless,I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.