
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Your Cardiovascular System and Essential Oils

Is Aromatherapy good for your heart?

Used medicinally for centuries, essential oils are fragrant compounds derived mainly from distilling flowers, leaves,
 wood, and plant seeds.

The circulatory system transports blood throughout the 
body. It includes the heart and the blood vessels, as well as the 
lymphatic system, which supplies nutrients and moves cellular
fluid through the system, cleansing the body of waste. Lymph nodes located throughout the body, but particularly in the throat, groin, breasts and under the arms, act as centers for filtering the blood.
One of the best essential oils for a lymphatic massage is true
bay (Laurus nobilis); lemon and grapefruit are also good. (A
good carrier oil for these essential oils is calendula.) Use 
basil, rosemary, thyme, marjoram and clove to improve 
general circulation. Stress-related heart problems respond 
well to a sedating massage of melissa, neroli, lavender and
ylang-ylang. Along with marjoram and ginger, these oils 
also help normalize high blood pressure. (Studies show 
that just inhaling neroli can lower high blood pressure.)

 click on images for larger view

T-Topical I-Internal A-Aromatic

Herbal Adjuncts - Among the herbs which strengthen
 heart and blood pressure are hawthorn flower and berry, 
and motherwort. Lymphatic cleaners include echinacea,
cleavers and Oregon grape root, which may also be taken
as teas, tinctures or pills.
The kitchen cupboard supplies many foods whose essential
 oils enhance circulation, make blood vessels more elastic 
and inhibit blood clotting. These include garlic, onion, 
cayenne and ginger. Ginger either raises blood pressure by restricting external blood flow, or lowers it by dilating 
surface blood vessels. Garlic and onions also lower high
 blood pressure. Lemongrass contains five different 
compounds that inhibit blood clotting.

If you’d like to try using essential oils for your
 Cardiovascular System,
these are some of your best bets:


This “royal herb” pops up in pesto, soup, and on pizza. It packs a solid dose of vitamin K and magnesium. In addition, extract from basil leaves shows potential for lowering your levels of bad cholesterol, otherwise known as LDL (low-density lipoprotein). LDL plays a major role in atherosclerosis by depositing fat molecules along artery walls.


Maintaining your blood sugar levels not only helps prevent diabetes, but heart disease as well. That’s because unregulated high blood glucose can increase the amount of plaque that forms on your artery walls. Research shows that cassia flower extract reduces blood glucose levels while increasing plasma insulin.


Stress and anxiety have a direct effect on blood pressure and overall heart health. Consider cypress oil which, when used in aromatherapy massage, provides short term relaxation, ease, and relief from fatigue.


Commonly associated with cold relief products like cough drops, eucalyptus is also good for your heart. According to one study, inhaling air infused with eucalyptus oil can significantly lower your blood pressure.


A staple of Asian cuisine, mildly sweet smelling ginger not only possesses antioxidant properties and helps with nausea, but drinking ginger extract in water also shows promise in inhibiting LDL.


Perhaps not as recognizable as others on this list, helichrysum, with its reedy flowers, came through in a study that focused on its cardiovascular effects. It proved to be another potential option for managing high blood pressure.


A longtime fixture of backyard gardens, this blue-violet flower finds its way into perfumes, soaps, and is even relied on to ward off mosquitoes. Research into the scent of lavender oil found that it produces an overall calm and relaxed mood in those inhaling it.


When inhaled, the oil from this Mediterranean herb (and close relative of oregano) lowers blood pressure. It relaxes blood vessels by rousing the parasympathetic nervous system, which improves the flow of blood.

Ylang Ylang

In 2013, researchers took a look at what effect inhaling the scent of this native Southeast Asian tree flower would have on a group of healthy men. They reported that the fragrance had something of a sedative response, and lowered both their heart rate and blood pressure. 

Enjoy your adventure with your essential oil aromatherapy ♥

Monday, November 6, 2017

Where Does Time Go ~ WW

Lil B is one!!!


It was Daddy's Birthday too!

My Son and Grandson ♥

I'm suppose to do what?

I don't know about this...

My Granddaughter ♥ 

Izzy gets a bite of Daddy's cake....


Ewwww,,,,It's stuck to my hand...

How'd this green icing get on my arm?

Gift time!

Happy Birthday to my two favorite Brandon's!!