
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Some Awesome Diffuser Blends

With one week left of Spark Naturals promotion with 10% (20% with coupon code - dragonflytreasure) off ALL DIFFUSERS and FREE SHIPPING on orders over $15,
I thought I'd share some of the wonderful blends I use on a regular basis.

3 drops SN Lime
2 drops SN Lavender 
2 drops SN Rosemary 
3 drops SN Lemon

2 drops SN Peppermint
5 drops SN Lemon 
4 drops SN Lemongrass

2 drops SN Cedarwood
2 drops SN Wild Orange 
2 drops SN Lavender 
1 drop SN Spearmint
1 drops SN Frankincense

2 drops SN Bergamot
2 drops SN Grapefruit
1 drop SN Lime

2 drops SN Grapefruit
2 drops SN Wild Orange 
1 drop SN Lemon
1 drop SN Bergamot

These really do make a HUGE difference in the health and atmosphere of your home! 

Sale ends July 30th so don't miss out.
Click here 

Friday, July 21, 2017

Hormones and Essential Oils

When applying topically for balancing hormones, 
apply to the inside ankle bones, 
the wrists, and back of neck. 

If you are using the essential oils to assist with cramping, etc...
you can apply directly to the area that's hurting.

When using the oils for Thyroid support, 
you can take them internally, diffuse them, 
as well as apply topically to the thyroid. 
(I do this every morning to assist my Hypothyroidism)

When using oils to assist the Lymphatic system, you can add a carrier oil and then rub all over the body, 
making sure to push down and rub in the direction 
that you are trying to get movement 
(pushing excess fluid out or getting the body to move)

Make sure to add a carrier oil if worried about the heat of the oil (Basil, Fennel, for example)

you can click on image to enlarge

Receive 10% of your Spark Naturals

when using the code: dragonflytreasure

Monday, July 17, 2017

Upcycled Decorative Solar Garden Light

I'm finally taking time to complete some of my projects
 that I have been putting off.
I place everyone's else's in front of mine, 
so they always go to the bottom of the list.
So this Summer I am slowly whittling away at them.

Do you put off your own projects too, in lieu of others?
There's always so much to do
 I just keep putting them on the back burner.  :(

So here's one I've completed, YAY!

My son's ceiling fan died so he had to replace it ~
but not until I cannibalized it!
One of the pieces I kept was the globe.

Do I make a bird feeder, many ideas. 
Then I thought what a way to use up some of ALL those glass gems I keep ending up with.

It seems at yard, garage, thrifts, estate, etc. sales, a lot of the glassware comes filled with these glass gems.
It's not the gems I want it what they're in - but they come together.
So they've just been adding up in my supplies.

If you aren't "lucky" to find them this way,
you can always pick some up at the Dollar Store. 

Since this was going to be going outside I used GE Silicone

Next I roughly drew a Dragonfly (tough guess, huh?)
and a water lily with a pencil onto the globe.

I had really huge heavy clear ones that
 I placed around the edge of the globe.
  I used tape to hold them in place until they cured. 

As you can see the wings didn't turn out like
 I had (hoped) drawn them. 
And the Water Lily was a bust. 
So I decided to go with just simple flowers.

The light blue and green I used for the wings are kind of "cats eye" like, not sure if that's the right term. They have a shape in a darker shade, inside. A leaf maybe. Anyway I thought maybe that would help make the wings more "dragonfly" like. 

I filled in the background on the top with clear gems
 and pale peach on the bottom.
Wishing I had some pale blue for the bottom to represent water, 
but oh well, I was using up what I had.

I'm happy with the way it turned out ~ 
not bad for my first time doing this type of thing :)

Another thing I had on hand was a cheapy solar light

I removed the light itself and placed it under the globe,
stuck in the ground just a bit..

Was not too happy with the dark spot in the middle.


I snagged a globe solar from another area in my garden.
Due to the different style, I needed to drive the entire "holder" into the ground.

The globe just lights the center :(

So I guess it's back to the cheapy solar,
until I find something else down the road.

I'm just glad I've finished one of the projects!

I still have LOTS of glass gems,
so expect to see more in the future! ;)

Here's another now!

Before I could get this post up, 
I made one for the back yard from 
an old light cover my son gave me. 

For some reason it reminds me of a cake!

Pretty at night.

No special design,
just followed the globe's

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