
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

40 Uses for the Top 4 Favorite Essential Oils!

So for people who are just starting off with using essential oils, it can be a bit confusing on knowing which oils you can do what with... Can I ingest this kind? Is this one a hot oil? Do I need a carrier for this kind? etc... and then there's the question of "What can I use this oil for?" Well, I'm going to try and help you out with a few of those questions!

The 4 most popular Essential Oils are (in my opinion):


I use these 4 oils on a regular basis. In many things ~ such as cleaning my house, my clothes, myself, using them for medicinal remedies, etc.  But lets go ahead and start off with my personal (and most every other essential oil user's) favorite, Lavender!

REMEMBER to always test the oils on the inside elbow 24 hrs prior to using internally or all over your body! And use a carrier oil when applying to children!


This is probably the BEST smelling oil there is and it is useful in just about everything. This is definitely an oil you want to keep on hand at all times, you can get some here .  Here are some ideas that you can use Lavender for:

Lavender is ok for Topical, Internal, and Aromatic Uses.

Pet Smells-
Mix baking soda and Lavender. Sprinkle onto carpets and vacuum up!

Sleepy Time Inducer-
Place drops of Lavender on pillows to lull restless children (and adults) into a restful sleep!

Linen Spray-
Breathe new life into musty linens with Lavender. It leaves NO oil marks and leaves linens smelling fresh!

Cold/Flu Steam Treatment-
Add 4-6 drops of Lavender to a bowl of hot water, place a towel over your head, and inhale the vapor deeply.

Splinter Remover-
Add a few drops of Lavender, let the splinter swell, and slip out!

Soap Replacement-
Rather than using soap and water at bath time. Add Lavender oil! Your skin with feel and smell wonderful!

Mattress Freshener-
Put a few drops of Lavender on your mattress when you change your sheets and inhale the sweet fresh smell! (I mix Lavender oil into a cup of baking soda then sift it over my mattress. Let sit for an hour and then vacuum off!)

Vacuum Helper-
Place some cotton balls soaked in Lemon and Lavender oil. Inside of  your vacuum bag (or collector cup) and spread the freshness around the house as you vacuum!

Attack Allergies-
Calm irritated sinuses and other respiratory issues. Apply to the back of your  neck, chest, and between your eyes.

First Aid Kit Must Have-
First Aid Kits are usually geared toward minor scrapes, rashes, etc and Lavender is great for all of those! (I put Lavender on my kids band-aids when they get boo boos rather than Neosporin, works great!)


Lemon is ok for Topical, Internal, and Aromatic uses. Just stay out of the sun if you use it topically!! Lemon is my favorite for cleaning!

Energy Boost-
For a quick energy boost, add Lemon EO to a glass of water and drink!

Got gum in your hair? Lemon oil will save the day!

Aphid Assassin-
Kill Aphids on contact by spraying with a combination of Lemon oil and water!

Dish Delight-
Add some Lemon EO to your dishwasher soap container! Your dishes will sparkle!

Hair Highlighter-
Skip the salon! Use Lemon oil to create your own hair highlights! Just go in the sun after using with your favorite hair product!

Feet Softener-
Massage a few drops of Lemon oil onto corns and callouses regularly and before you know it you'll have soft feet again!

Mental Pick-me-up-
Diffuse some Lemon oil when you're feeling a little blue and your disposition should turn sunny before you know it!

Love for Leathers-
Use a Lemon oil soaked cloth to preserve leather jackets, sofas, etc. and prevent leather from splitting!

Respiratory Rescue-
Add some Lemon oil to your humidifier to ease colds, cough, and other upper respiratory problems!

Banish Cold Sores-
Conquer cold sores with a few drops of Lemon oil!


Peppermint can be taken internally, topically, and aromatically! Can cause sensitivity, a light burning sensation! Test on inner elbow before using internally or in large amounts topically!

Tame Tummy Troubles-
One drop of Peppermint oil rubbed on the stomach or taken internally can calm indigestion and upset stomach! Great traveling companion!

Hunger Fighter-
The aroma of Peppermint oil will make you feel full faster especially if you breathe it in during a meal!

Allergies Be Gone-
Peppermint with Lemon eases airways that come under attack during allergy season!

Handle a Headache-
A few drops of Peppermint dabbed on your temples, neck, and sinuses can quickly cure even stubborn headaches!

Kick Ticks-
Smother nasty ticks with Peppermint oil on a cotton swab they will remove their heads to come up for air and then you get 'em!

Toothache Relief-
Peppermint oil acts as a natural pain killer and muscle relaxant, especially helpful for teething babies or for after dental work!

Spider Free Zone- (Pretty much any insect/arachnid, great wasp repellant)
No chemicals needed! Spiders hate peppermint and at the first whiff of it will head for the hills.

Naturally Clean-
Peppermint Oils anti fungal and antibacterial  properties make it an ideal cleaner! Spray on countertops and bathroom surfaces, scuba, and enjoy!

Intestinal Distress Reliever-
When used topically or internally, Peppermint is a favorite for relief from cramping and diarrhea.

Peppermint Pick-me-up-
Peppermint improves blood circulation and awareness. Leaving you feeling energized!

Melaleuca (Tea Tree)

Melaleuca can be used Internally, Topically, and Aromatically!

Acne Breakouts-
Add a drop to your normal cleansing routine or dab a very small amount on acne breakout!

Athlete's Foot-
Add a drop to your shoes, massage into the feet or soak in a foot bath of sea salt and 2-3 drops of Melaleuca.

Canker Sores/Cold Sores-
Dab a small amount directly over the sore, diluting with coconut oil if needed!

Combat Cavities-
Add to homemade toothpaste or you can add a drop to your toothbrush before brushing!(And after to disinfect)

Take Aim at Allergies-
Massage into chest, abdomen, or the reflex points on the feet!

Ear Ache Attention-
Dilute 1 drop in 1-2 TB or water and use a dropper to drop the mixture into the ear for 30-60 seconds each!

Last Stand for Lice-
Add several drops to purified water and soak hair and scalp in the solution. Use on combs, brushes, and massage into the hair and scalp!

Care for Piercings-
Apply after piercings to avoid infection. Use undiluted, diluted with coconut oil, or as a spray with purified water!

Wart Remover-
Apply directly to the wart. Dilute if needed for sensitive skin!

Gun Disease-
Create a mouthwash with purified water. 1 drop of Peppermint and 1 drop of Tea Tree Oil

There are so many more uses for these oils and every other oil there  is! Remember to ALWAYS test the oils on the inside elbow for 24 hrs. prior to using internally or before using all over your body! Make sure you use a carrier oil when using on children! 

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Are You Ready For Some Football?

This Sunday is Superbowl Sunday 
so you better have your game plan down.
Here's a few tips I've used in the past to make our get 
together's a memorable championship fun time whichever team you're rooting for.
 Set the mood.
Create a great game day atmosphere with football themed party supplies such as football field table covers, banners, streamers, paper plates and cups. If you’ve got the opposing team’s jerseys, t-shirts or hats, hang them on the walls. Keep a soft football or two around the house to toss around between plays. If you really want to go over the top, you can offer to paint your guests’ faces in their team’s colors. Too fun!
We had one of these ref's one year.
 He was in shreds by the end of the game!
We gave him a proper burial.

Check your equipment.
You can’t beat a large, dust-free flat screen to take in all the action. With the TV off, gently clean the screen with a soft microfiber cloth. Do not use paper towels or tissues as they can scratch the surface. If you’ve got a home sound-system, check the connections for optimum audio quality. Clear any unnecessary furniture or clutter from the viewing area and make sure there’s plenty of room for all to sit or stand up and cheer after a score.

Have plenty of food and drink on hand.

Watching an event this exciting can take a lot out of your guests, so make sure you serve plenty of refreshments to refuel the fans. Put out bowls of chips, pretzels and dips for the pre‑game. Once the game starts, break out the nachos with salsa, melted cheese and sour cream. A hearty pot of chili, hero sandwiches, pizza and buffalo chicken wings are always crowd favorites. Have plenty of soft drinks, beer and water on hand to keep everyone hydrated and happy.

I made these cute football mason jars to drink out of one year.
Just get white tape and mark off the stitches like on a football. Any brown soda inside resembles a football! Add a fun straw, a little pennant if you'd like, using a marker to edge it in for your teams colors tied on with bakers twine. The kids love them!

A few quick and easy food ideas that have been crowd pleasers at my home in the past. 

Salami, cheese, and olives. That’s it!

Just put out your favorite Nacho toppings 
and everyone can create their own.
Pop in microwave to heat and your done.

Easy peasy Pepperoni Rollups

Salted Caramel Apple Dip
4-6 Tbs. unsalted butter
3/4 c brown sugar
1 package of softened cream cheese. {8 oz.}
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt

Melt the butter and sugar in the microwave together for 2 min covered, stirring half-way.
mix in cream cheese until its all melted and combined, may even need an electric mixer to be sure it’s completely smooth. add vanilla and salt (or omit the salt if you use salted butter).

Don’t forget the bathroom.
It’s a long day and the bathroom will be busy, so make sure it’s clean and well stocked with plenty of hand soap, clean towels, room deodorizer and toilet paper. After all, you don’t want your loo to look like a locker room.

Now sit back and enjoy the game!