
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Ten American Native Plants You Can Eat

It's hard to imagine a Thanksgiving meal without the traditional Turkey, stuffing or cranberry sauce. For many southerners, holiday celebrations would be incomplete without a bowl of warm persimmon pudding. We may not think of these fruits as being as “American as apple pie,” but in fact both were flourishing on this continent long before early European settlers imported the first apples to our shores. Cranberries, persimmons and other native fruits are among the true American originals. They’re also the epitome of “locally grown.”
As we increasingly strive to feed ourselves sustainably, there’s no better place to start than with homegrown native fruits, from blueberries in Maine to North Carolina's State Fruit ~ scuppernongs to red raspberries in California. We wouldn’t be the only ones to reap the benefits, wildlife love to feast on these fruits, too.
Following are 10 American originals you can grow in your garden come next spring and then enjoy the fruits of your labor during holiday meals and other times. Now is a good time to begin making plans. You can check with your local Agricultural Department for which varieties do best in your area.
Native plant suppliers can also provide details on how to grow these and other native fruits.

Blueberries: While cultivated varieties have been developed from the highbush blueberry, which grows wild in the East and Midwest, other blueberry species are native to most of the United States and Canada. The shrubs produce small flowers that are important spring nectar sources for bees while their intense, sweet-tart flavored berries are relished by many birds and mammals. When we lived in Alaska these grew just about everywhere. I made Jams, Jellies, Pies, Cheesecakes, Muffins, Waffles, and so many other yummy treats.
Serviceberries: Some species of serviceberry, also known as Juneberry, shadbush or Saskatoon, is native to every contiguous U.S. state and Canadian province. The large shrubs or small trees feature delicate white flowers on bare branches in spring that provide nectar for insects emerging from winter nests. The small, purple fruits help sustain grosbeaks, thrushes and many other birds during the breeding season. If you can get to them before the birds, the uniquely flavored berries can be used to make jam or pie.

Cranberries: These Thanksgiving staples grow on low shrubs in the northeastern, mid-Atlantic and midwestern states and farther south in the Appalachian Mountains. The tart red fruits also are attractive to birds. Most people assume that cranberries can’t be grown at home because they require habitat that is permanently wet. Commercial growers flood cranberry fields to make harvesting easier, but you don’t need a bog. Cranberries do benefit from moist soil and lots of compost.

American Persimmons: Native from Connecticut to Iowa and Kansas south to Florida and Texas, American persimmon trees produce ornamental, purplish-orange fruits that hang on leafless branches in autumn. Before they ripen, the fruits are guaranteed to make your mouth pucker. But when ripe, they taste a lot like dates. Wild persimmons are an important fall and winter food for many mammals, and the trees are a larval host plant for the luna moth. My Aunt grew Persimmon trees in her back yard and made the most moist delicious cookies for Christmas!.

Pawpaws: Producing the largest edible fruit of any North American native plant, pawpaw shrubs or small trees range from New York to Iowa and south from Florida to Texas. Up to 6 inches long and shaped similar to potatoes, the fruits turn yellow and black when ripe in the fall. They have a custard like consistency and taste like a combination of mango, banana and pineapple. Birds and certain mammals feed on the fruits, and the trees are the host plant of zebra swallowtail butterflies.

Elderberries: These shrubs produce pyramidal or flat-topped flower clusters that can be as big a Frisbee. Native throughout much of the United States and Canada, they are pollinator magnets. The flowers eventually sprout into clusters of small red or dark purple berries that are gobbled up by birds and mammals. Though inedible to us when raw, cooked elderberries make a tangy pie, wine or jelly.
Wild Grapes: Few native fruits rival the wildlife value of wild grapes, which not only provide food but also nesting places for many birds in their tangled vines. Native to every contiguous U.S. state and from Nova Scotia west to Manitoba in Canada, wild grapes typically are smaller but much more flavorful than cultivated varieties. Two prized species are the northern fox grape, source of the famous Concord variety, and the scuppernong, a native of the South that can survive scorching temperatures and produce as much as 30 pounds of fruit yearly. The rampant vines can smother trees, so grow them on an arbor.

Raspberries, Blackberries and Salmonberries: These and other native brambles, shrubs that send up arching stems called canes, are perfect garden plants. They’re usually easy to grow and because they’re highly perishable, the fruits can be hard to find in supermarkets. Birds and mammals feed on them, while the flowers provide nectar for pollinators and the leaves are an essential food source for skipper butterfly larvae. A number of nonnative brambles have become invasive, so grow only local species.
The red raspberry is native to every region of the Lower 48 except the Deep South.
The black raspberry ranges throughout the East as far south as Georgia and from North Dakota south to Colorado and Oklahoma. The common blackberry grows in the Northeast and Midwest and south to Virginia and Missouri.
California blackberry is native to the Pacific Northwest.
The Salmonberry is a favorite of western hummingbird species. In spring, migrating rufous hummingbirds follow the wave of the plants’ unfolding pink flowers northward from California to Alaska. Named for their resemblance to salmon roe, the fruits taste best when they are salmon colored.
Salmonberries also grew wild in Alaska.
 I loved picking them to make Jams, Syrups, Cobblers, Salmonberry Shortcake, etc. mmm...

Friday, November 13, 2015

Grapes in November?

I'm happy to report I have completed
all my weeding and pruning!
As you can see I can even see my watering cans again!
They were covered by the neighbors Weeping Willow.
We had 3 major surgeries in the family with in 2 weeks,
 so priorities were majorly shifted.
Everyone came through with flying colors.
2 are still in the recovery process and will be for some time.
There is another surgery this month.
Praying this one will have the same outcome as the others.
These weeds no longer exist, Yay!

My last pile, finally...

Wouldn't you know as soon as I decide to finally cut down the remaining wild Sunflowers Goldfinches show up!
They're so quick and flighty I had a hard time catching photos of them. Not only did they blend in with the pile of pruning's but I couldn't get very close or they'd fly away. :-(


Back to pruning ~
One of the walkways before
Other side before

Gazebo before

Pruned as best as I could the neighbors Willow.
It no longer touches my roof.
If we get any major storms those large branches
I couldn't reach snap so easily. yikes
The walkways are cleaned up
and only needed to be raked
but we had a nice downpour for a couple of days
and wasn't able to get to do it.
Still need to get out there to rake leaves to top off
compost bed for the winter.
If I do, I do, if not oh well.
Enough rain to fill the birdbath!
We received almost an inch!
We need it so badly
My garden had such a big smile :-)
We've had sunny days since.

My Thompson Seedless is just a tad confused,
It has one long vine with baby grapes!!

And no I didn't miss pruning one.
We had our first light frost a couple of days ago.

C'mon Winter
I'm ready for you!
With the exception of raking the backyard,
I've got my succulents covered,
the Keets aviary winterized....
All is a go, wishing for a harsh and wet winter!