
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I Declare It PJ Day!!

I realize I'm slightly late with this post,
but that's me lately these days --- slightly to very late!

Decorations didn't even get up until 2 days before Easter!

We had a wonderful Easter spent with family.
I hope you all did too :)

We spent the day in the kitchen...

getting food...


in deep talks....

and just plain relaxing! 

Monday started early.
T had a Dr. appointment.
After we signed in and sat down,
I was called back up to the window...

Mirabel reminded me I had rescheduled it...OOPS!
Needless to say T wasn't too pleased about
getting up early for nothing :/

I was surprised when he suggested to run to
Modesto for the x-ray his Ortho Dr. needed for his foot.
We were in and out in about a half hour!

Once home, I grabbed C and headed to the Police Station
to fill out an ID Theft report
(long strange story that calls for a post on it's own).

This week there is free dumping at the City Yard.
We had planned to do it today,
but it was calling for rain so we decided to get'er done
while it was still dry.

4 van loads later we were finished!
Good bye old couch, broken door, old exercise equipment, humongous mirror, hot tub cover, box spring and other "stuff".

Whew, we were all tired.
M headed to the store,
I took a shower, laid on my bed to rest
and fell asleep. It was 4:30 pm!!
I slept until 6 this morning!
Yep, I was just a tad tired.

And guess what?
I woke up to beautiful rain and bird song!!

So glad we got things done yesterday,
cuz today I'm staying in my PJ'S!

Taking an off day, a me day if you will,
something I don't know if I've ever had before?

Listening to the rain and the birds.
We have Doves nesting in the garden,
love their cooing.....
Wishing you a wonderful relaxing day too :-)