
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Happy in the Garden

Happy Week to all!!

Everything is growing like weeds (including the weeds)
in my gardens!

I saw this sweet little Rose bloom that told me she needed to be placed in a vase and brought inside to enjoy. Who am I to argue with a Rose in bloom??
So here she is, in all her glory...
simple, sweet, colorful and, oh so fragrant.

That led me to pull out some of my enamelware Coffee Pots and

 "freshen" them up for the Summer.

Then I finished the walkway.
Ignore the hose and bags of bark down the way.....
There used to be that 'wood slat roll out walkway' here.
I usually had to replace it every other year.
But by pulling a frugal idea out of my hat,
 I decided to use the sideboards from some of the many waterbeds that have passed through our lives (more like the kids phases). They are so thick and sturdy.   

 I knew all those railroad spikes the kids collected walking home from school would some day come in handy!

When I ran out of waterbed sides, I added what cement stepping stones I had on hand, along with brick and smaller pieces of wood from the water bed wood pile.
When done I placed fresh bark down the sides,
since some plants have jumped their boundaries
and are now along the edges of the walk. 
It reminds me of that Dolly Parton song
 "Coat of Many Colors".
So this has turned into the 'walkway of many colors'

Tora couldn't wait to drink form the pond so I ended up with this "lovely" photo with her in it! LOL  
I wanted to show you the comparison of the Potatoes
from a couple weeks ago.....

to now! I've never grown potato's before,
do they usually grow this fast?

The Cucumbers are taking their space..... is the yellow Zucchini behind the gate.

We've picked Tomato's already and
had many a dinners of BLT's

I think the birds were telling me the
Grapes and Figs are ready.....

usually the Mocking Birds are the only ones having a food fest,
 but today when I opened the back door my whole garden seemed to flutter away.
Only the brave were left:
a Robin
 and a Sparrow.

My Rose of Sharon is blooming

Can you see the BIG Dragonfly?

He is gorgeous!
A divorce gift last year from my sister and hubby.
He balances on a pole of stones with a huge cobalt marble for a balancing weight.
I'm smitten!

She said "you receive gifts when you get married,
you should receive them when you get divorced too!"

Before I end, I want to share my sister's Orchid Cactus that has been blooming recently.

It loves her do I for that matter!
Such a gorgeous color and such a show off!
Love that bloom!

And don't forget:

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Shop Sale!

My ENTIRE shop is on sale!! 
Get some Holiday shopping done early or
find a Treasure for yourself! 
Don't fight the crowds, Shop in your PJ's!!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Happy 4th of July!!

I actually got some red, white and blue up in time!!
Pretty good for me, the last few weeks have
been crazier than usual.

Granted, it's just the storm door,
but at least it "appears" that I'm with it! LOL

And I even managed to find my flag heart!
When I purged, I thought it had gotten got.

I agree, not much, but at least it's on time!
Giving myself a pat on the back
Of course, now these will probably be up until Halloween!

Wishing all a Safe and Happy 4th of July!!