
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Bed/Craft Room, Part 5, The Conclusion!

Finally the last post!
Continued from here:

The curtains hide all the storage totes of supplies... and some clothes too ;) The rescued hutch holds some of my favorite things as well as more delicate items that are waiting to find a new home.

One of my favorite "frames" (an old piece of picket fence) holding a fave photo of C when he was a baby, with his arm around Whitley (our Husky) watching out the back door in Kodiak Alaska.
A very familiar sight at the time.

The left side of the wall my bed is on has a useless window.
It was dubbed that name due to the fact that it doesn't open.
Yes, useless!
A Baker's Rack sits in front holding jars of buttons
and other needfuls.
 Lace sheers frame the window.
Lovely view of the house next door.

 Top shelf

with a jar holding the flowers of M's bouquet
from B & T's Wedding. 

An old Pearl Choker, from my Grandmother,
adds quaint charm to the jar.
More filled jars.

Some of my fave books.

Large pure white feather wait for their turn to be created into
an unknown project,

My "headboard"
Consisting of a cornice that hung above my Grandmother's bedroom window since before I was born.
She lived with us.
Lace sheers hang from the cornice down the wall.
An old photo of my Father's Parents hang just below the Cornice.
Shutters, a garage sale find, serve as the hardscape for the headboard.

More dishes top the Cornice.
Feathered handmade wings, made by me, hang on each side.
Other handmade glitter wings hang on the shutters.
I plan to make more wings to hang from the shutters and sheers.

I made the bed frame myself with wood from leftover projects.
I wanted something simple.
Small brackets hold the mattress in place.
Love the simplicity and ALL my pillows...comfy.

 A small table on the right side of my bed hold a light that belonged to my Dad's Mother.
On the look out for a wire frame that will fit it.

One of her old shopping baskets hangs on the wall holding books.
My Mannequin hangs out between the table and shelves.

Closing my bedroom door on the way out
displays a doily wreath I made.

The entrance to my Sanctuary ♥ 
There are still odd and ends that I need to do,
like get the "knobs" on the drawers!
But I'll get to them in time.
Everything in my life is a work in progress,
no reason my bedroom should be any different ;)

What an Awesome Surprise!

Brandon popped in a few weeks back with arm loads of
potting soil and veggie plants for me!
I was so excited! He knows I like to put some in every year but they just weren't in the budget for this year.
The Potatoes he brought are coming up.
They went in my wheel barrow that I had hoped to add some plants to but that darn budget interfered again.
So in went the Pots!

The snails like this one, thus the egg shells encircling it.

Yellow Zukes

 Tomato :)


As long as I was out with my camera I took some photos
of other yummers growing in the garden;)

Orange Blossoms



Cherry Plums


Hollyhocks in front (no they aren't edible :/)
Bay Leaf Tree in the back is getting huge.

Apple Blossoms




 Didn't make it out in time for the Asparagus :(
So we have nice ferny plants.

Oh well, there's always next year