
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

First of all I want to wish all the Mom's
out in Blogland a wonderful Mother's Day!

For those no longer with us: 
♥ Mom's are always with us ♥ 

Your Mother is always with you.
She's the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street,
she's the smell of certain foods you remember,
flowers you pick and perfume that she wore,
she's the cool hand on your brow when you're not feeling well,
she's your breath in the air on a Cold winter's day.
She is the sound of the rain that lulls you to sleep,
the colors of a rainbow,
she is Christmas morning.
Your Mother lives inside your laughter.
And she's crystallized in every tear drop.
A mother shows every emotion...........
Happiness, sadness, fear, jealousy, love, hate,
anger, helplessness, excitement, joy, sorrow.....
and all the while,
hoping and praying you will only know the Good feelings in life.
She's the place you came from,
your first home, and
she's the map you follow with every step you take.
She's your first love,
your first friend,
even your first enemy,
but nothing on earth can separate you.
Not time, not space.......not even death!
I lve and miss you Mom more than I could ever imagine.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Happy Happy Birthday to US!!

Wishing the best Happy Birthday to my youngest son
who will be turning 23 on May 10.

You were the best Birthday present I ever received! 


Yes, he was born on my Birthday.
We won't mention how many I will be turning!!


Since our Birthday's and Mother's Day are so close together we celebrate the 3 of them here and there making it a week long celebration sometimes!

You have grown into a wonderful young man 
and I am so proud of you. 
I Lve You with all my  !!!

We celebrated some last night since C will be over at B's and T's until Sunday when M, T and I will go over to celebrate Mother's day. The first time in 23 years C and I won't be together on our birthday's
Yes, I will put on my big girl panties and get through the day-----

But I digress....
Last night we had fun.
Well, maybe not at first....
At least the dogs were excited!
Ah, the prospects of another year...
Yes, I think he's getting to that age of
"oh, another Birthday?"
(note ALL the candles ;)) 

But then we got him to cRaCk!

Look at the glow on that table cake!
Good thing I reminded him to use his inhaler prior to blowing!! LOL
Looky what I received from Purex Insiders!

Then I have to share this card I received from my
 Sister and Brother-in-law!!


Lve it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Few Quick Tips

Clever Uses for Common Household Items

 It can’t be beat for firing up the outdoor grill, but did you know that charcoal is also a great do-it-yourself odor eater? Place a few pieces in a bowl of perforated plastic bag, and put it by the cat litter box or in any musty room to absorb odors. It’s also a great moisture absorber—put it in your toolbox to prevent tools from rusting. 
White vinegar can be used to bring sticky old nylon paintbrushes back to life. Heat up some vinegar and soak a dirty brush for a half hour to soften the bristles, then rinse in hot soapy water. A soak in vinegar can also help remove corrosion and rust from metal—just the ticket for loosening frozen nuts and bolts. 
 Packing peanuts
  Don’t throw out those foam packing peanuts! They’re great to use in potted plants as filler beneath the soil. They improve drainage and reduce weight. You can also cut them in pieces and attach them to the back of framed pictures as padding to protect walls. 
Vertical blinds
The next time you replace an old or broken vertical blind, save a few of the old slats. They come in handy when painting around corners and trim to help keep paint lines clean, in places where painter’s tape won’t fit.
How to Remove Candle Wax From Upholstery,
Wood or Carpet
To remove the wax from carpet or upholstery, you will need a plain brown paper bag and a steam iron. Paper grocery bags work well.
1. Cut open the brown paper bag so it lies flat.
2. Lay the brown paper bag on the affected carpet, with any printing away from the carpet.
3. Set the steam iron on a moderate setting and plug it in. Allow it to warm up.
4. Once warmed up, place the steam iron on top of the brown paper bag over the wax spot. Move the iron back and forth over the wax spot. The iron should never come in direct contact with the carpet, only the paper bag. As the wax warms up it will begin to absorb into the paper bag.
5. When a dark spot appears on the bag, move a dry area of the bag over the wax spot and continue to move the steam iron over the area.
6. When no further wax absorbs into the bag, you have removed the wax. To remove candle wax from wood, apply a plastic bag filled with ice to the spot, until the wax is brittle enough to crumble off. If some candle wax remains, place an ink blotter on the area and apply a hot pressing iron to the top of the blotter
Timesaving Household Cleaning Tips
Don’t let little things pile up
By doing a little bit at a time you stop the small stuff from becoming a big time job. Start by shredding unwanted mail and tossing newspapers and magazines after you’ve read them. Keep dirty clothes and used towels off the floor and in the hamper where they belong. And don’t go weeks at a time without doing a wash, wiping down the stovetop or cleaning the toilet.
Do more than one chore at a time
Gang up on your chores and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can get them done. Why just sit there once you’ve put your laundry in, when you can mop the kitchen, vacuum the bedroom or scrub the shower? Put the clothes in the dryer and you can do some dusting or wipe down the appliances. You can even fold the laundry while you watch your favorite show.
Cut the clutter
The less stuff you have lying around, the easier and quicker it is to keep your house clean. Don’t let things pile up on the dining room table. Make sure you have a convenient place for your monthly bills and multiple remotes. Keep your house keys and hats on hooks by the door, and every year, clean out your closets of clothes that don’t fit or umbrellas that don’t work. Clean the kitchen while you cook. You don’t have to wait until the meal is finished to start cleaning up the mess. While the food is cooking, wash any used pots and pans, cutting boards, measuring cups and greasy countertops. By getting a jump on your cleaning now, you won’t have a huge stack of stuff in the sink waiting to be scrubbed after the meal.
Six Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Home
Humming This Spring
Spring has sprung, and the evidence is blooming all around us. After you take it all in, it’s time to get busy. Now is the perfect time to take care of some routine home maintenance to get your household organized for spring and keep it running smoothly and efficiently right through summer.
Winter weather can wreck your home's exterior, potentially causing an assortment of damage. Now that it's getting warmer, get outside and take a look around:
1. Clean all gutters
Poor or improper drainage can cause water damage to your home. Check for loose and leaky gutters and ensure downspouts are positioned to drain away from your home's foundation. Clear debris from all gutters and downspouts.
2. Inspect the roof
Your roof is your home's primary defense against the elements. Visually inspect the roof, looking for signs of warping, cracking and loose shingle or tiles. Examine flashing around chimneys, skylights and vents. Damaged covering and flashing should be replaced. For roof areas too high to inspect from the ground, hire a licensed roofer to perform the inspection and make necessary repairs.
3. Check seals around windows and doors
Cold weather can cause seals around windows and doors to loosen, harden and crack. Inspect these areas for damage and make repairs as needed. This will help reduce summer cooling costs and keep water out of your home. While you’re at it, don't forget to take a look around inside. Just because you have been indoors most of the winter doesn't mean your home's interior isn't in need of a seasonal once-over. Here are a few areas that merit your attention:
4. Service your home's cooling system
No one wants to be caught in the dog days of summer without air conditioning. It's a good idea to have your home's cooling system checked yearly, about one month prior to regular summer usage.
5. Check smoke detector batteries.
This is an easy and potentially lifesaving task. Take time now to change the batteries in all your home's smoke detectors. Better safe than sorry.
6. Spring cleaning for the disposal
When you think about everything that goes down the kitchen sink, a good yearly cleaning for the disposal is definitely in order. Simply feed a tray of ice cubes through it while running cold water.
Take the Sneeze Out of Spring 
Pollen season is officially upon us. And if you’re like many people, you or someone you live with is feeling the effects. Just in time for spring, here are five ways you can make your home a bit more comfortable for allergy sufferers.
Change that air filter
 If you haven’t changed your home’s heating and cooling system filter since winter—or longer—then now is the time. You may even want to upgrade to a higher-rated filter capable of trapping finer particulates like pollen 
Upgrade your vacuum cleaner. A thorough spring vacuuming is a great way to get rid of dust and other allergens that may have accumulated in your home over the winter. If you have an older vacuum cleaner, however, consider upgrading to a new model with a HEPA filter that will help remove more particulates from the air. Some models also accept HEPA replacement bags.
 Check allergens at the door
 To prevent pollen from entering your home by hitching a ride on your shoes, have everyone take their shoes off when they come in. Your floors will stay cleaner too.
Vent to the outside
Check your kitchen and bathroom ventilation fans. If they vent into your attic instead of sending air outside, that can lead to mold growth. Upgrade the vents so they vent moist air—and allergens—to the outdoors. 
Replace your shower curtain. 
If you have a vinyl shower curtain, inspect it for mold growth. If you see any discoloration or if it’s developed an odor, it’s time to replace it.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Husband of the Year Awards

The honorable mention goes to:
The  United Kingdom 
 followed closely by... 

The   United States of America
and then...

but   3rd Place must go to... 

it was very very close but the runner up prize 
was awarded to....

but the winner of the husband/partner of the  year is.
Ya gotta love the Irish. 
The Irish are true romantics. Look, he's even
holding her hand...

Woman has Man  in it; 
Mrs. has
 Mr. in it; 
Female has
 Male  in it; 
She has 
He  in it; 
Madam has 
Adam in it; 
Okay, Okay, it all makes sense now...
I never looked at it this way before:
Ever notice how all of women's problems start with
tal illness

strual cramps 

tal breakdown 




When we have REAL trouble, it's a..