
Thursday, April 24, 2014

''Sage Is the Rage''

Yes, it seems I'm borrowing a title from one of the
 ''Long Island Medium'' 's episodes.
We went on a road trip a while back.
While out exploring, we came across wild White Sage.
Lots and lots of huge plants everywhere.
We decided to pull over and pick some.
Brought the branches home and hung them in the kitchen.

It sure smelled good while they were hanging there.

I thought I'd try to root some and they seem to have taken off!

The next day I made Smudging Bundles. 

Then placed them on the top of the
cabinet in my bedroom to dry.

I kept any leaves that fell off because
 you can Smudge with them too.

I'd been thinking of Smudging, then Blessing the house
for quite a while now to remove
ALL the negative energy that has resided here.
I wanted to purge the house of all it's negative items
prior to the Smudging.

We decided to proceed last weekend.

We lit white candles in each room.

Opened windows and doors.

First we smudged the entire house,
starting at the back of the house and going clockwise..
Every corner and closet.
Garage and attic.
Repeating our Affirmation as we went.

When done, we salted all the entrances - doors and windows.
Placed bowls of salt in each room to absorb any negative energy left over, then throwing them out 24 hours later.

Next was the Epiphany House Blessing.
Above the front door in chalk we wrote the Magi's initials, the four crosses of the Seasons and the Numerals of the year.
We prayed and sprinkled Holy Water all around the entrance.
Again, starting at the back of the house and going clockwise,
we entered each room and said that particular rooms Blessing.
We Blessed each room by sprinkling Holy Water all around it.

I was raised Catholic but have an open mind to other beliefs.
There seemed to be a heaviness in this house, but now it feels so much lighter. And for the first time in a long time I feel content.
I even feel lighter.

I know some will say it's all in my mind. I don't care.
I was at the point that I needed to do something.
That is the reason I did different ones from different religions/beliefs.
I wanted ALL my bases covered.

I believe these rituals have made my home peaceful,
full of love and light. This was the first time I have ever done any of these.  I had seen smudging and salting on TV. But when my Sister sent me her Church's bulletin that had the Epiphany House Blessing on the front page, I took it as a sign that the time was right.

I am so glad I followed through with what I had been thinking about doing. I plan to cleanse the house on a regular basis.

Those of you who follow me know the negativity I have dealt with for so long.  I have decided not to pursue anything further. It's not fair to me, but for my piece of mind it's the conclusion I've made. 

This unfamiliar feeling of final closure and contentment is something I will need to get used to.
Fingers crossed that I won't need to deal with that ''certain'' negativity again.

Like I said, fingers crossed. ;)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets Review and Giveaway!

Do you want a dryer sheet which fragrance does not only last for hours, or days but can actually last for weeks? Yes, you read it right –try Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets –smells like the blooming flowers in mountains.

Would you like to try them for free?

Are you feeling lucky? Give your clothes a kick of freshness with Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets. Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets give your clothes 30 days of long-lasting freshness! Enter for your chance to WIN $500 and a year’s supply of Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets!

In addition to the grand prize winner, fifty (50) will WIN a FREE box of Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets.
Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets don’t just reduce static cling and leave your family’s laundry soft and smelling fresh. They can also keep your whole house smelling fresh! 
Ideas for using Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets:
Keep your luggage fresh while not in use.
Add one to your vacuum bag so as you vacuum you freshen the house at the same time.
Use to remove pet hair from furniture
Keep one tucked inside each shoe while not wearing
Stick Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets in cracks and crevices to keep out the insects and other pests.
Use to clean and dust baseboards, leaving them dust free and smelling wonderful.
Place in a drawer, hang one in the closet, locker at the health club, locker at work or under the seat of your car or truck. Leave several in the RV or camper while it's in storage.
A sewing needle run through a Purex Crystals Dryer Sheet prior to sewing, can prevent the thread from tangling.
Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets clean baked on foods from cooking pots and pans. Place a sheet in a pan, fill with water, let sit overnight. Next morning sponge it clean. The antistatic agent apparently weakens the bond between the stuck on food between the pot or pans surface. The fabric softening agents helps to soften the baked on food.
Placing one at the bottom of the wastebasket, helps eliminate odors found in wastebaskets. Adding one to the bottom of a laundry bag or hamper will accomplish the same results. 
Wiping up sawdust, on the shop workbench, from drilling or sandpapering is easy. A used sheet will collect sawdust like a tack cloth.
I actually like to wipe the dogs down with them when they don't get their regular baths - for one reason or another :/
Katie says it makes me smell fresh
Bella likes that it removes any loose dirt
AND removes loose hair also.
Look at the dirt and hair from Tora!
And it really hasn't been but a week since she had a bath!
So many uses, so little time! Don't let the time pass you by, enter  for your chance to WIN $500 and a year’s supply of Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets!
For the Sweepstakes,
Enter Here!
While your waiting to see if you won the sweepstakes,
You can enter my Giveaway for
 2 coupons for 2 free boxes of Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets! 
Giveaway ends May 9, 2014
Leave it to me to mess up!
For the follow Twitter it should be @dragnflytreasur
Thank you Debbie R.  for bringing this to my attention.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out some of my other giveaways too,
listed in my upper right corner. 

"The Purex Brand provided me with a sample of Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own"