
Friday, October 4, 2013

I'M FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As those of you who know my children and I have been going through a lot of personal stuff for the last 3 years.
Well, I am happy to say my Divorce came through finally!!
Wanna hear something weird? It came through 1 day before what would have been our 40th Anniversary..spooky huh?

Now it's time to
One huge hurdle over
many more to come

BUT until then!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fall in the Garden

Seems I've been running in place lately and
not getting anywhere.
Do you feel like that too sometimes?
I so look forward to the day when things calm down...
they will calm down won't they??
Needless to say my gardens are still a bit of a mess but
these Sunflowers make me smile at least.
They aren't anything fancy or have large gorgeous blooms, but I do love them. They reseed themselves every year and because the flower heads are on the small side with tiny seeds the smaller birds L♥VE them!
Each plant has tons of blooms.
They do get a little wild and out of control from time to time
 and require some cutting back.
But that makes for a good excuse to gather bouquets
When I do get a chance I get out and prune, prune, prune!
I still have a lot left to do but these bags can attest I am doing my best to get the gardens ready for Winter!
Have you been pruning too?

 Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ghoulish Giveaway - Win a Free Subscription to Ladies' Home Journal from Purex!

No tricks this Halloween, just a treat for you! Win a FREE subscription to Ladies Home Journal in our Ghoulish Giveaway. Limited supply, so enter HERE today for a chance to win!