
Friday, May 4, 2012

Freebie Friday #4 and a Winner!

Boy do I have a score for you!
 MyMemories would like to invite you to climb aboard and ....

catch the Cinco de Scrapo BLOG TRAIN!!
 This blog hop is in honor of National Scrapbooking Day and Cinco de Mayo.
                              Start on the MyMemories blog on FRIDAY

for a FUN RIDE through some of the
MyMemories and ScrapWow Designers blogs!!
Each one has a FUN FREEBIE for you!
There are over THIRTY of them to visit!

All the freebies are hosted at MyMemories so they’ll download
right into your software!
Easy Peasy!

And if you don’t already own the MyMemories Suite V3 then

Be sure to use THIS COUPON CODE:


It will give you
$10 off the software and $10 in free merchandise


And Now
Without further Adieu...

The Winner of  my MyMemories Suite Scrapbooking Software is:

Random Sequence Generator
# 23


Congratulations Kaela!!

Send me your email so I can send out your MyMemories Scrapbooking Software free promo code!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Work Horse of the Garden

The work horse of the garden...
This can vary just like personalities vary.
What is the work horse of your garden?
Mine is the Rose.

Most of mine started as slips from my parents or
were rescued before heading to the trash pile.

The front of my home.....
We built an arbor to help protect from scorching Summer sun
and planted climbers that were started by my parents.
That was 17 yrs ago.
The strongest have survived and thrived.
At one time "Peace" covered the arbor, but now the hardier wild red has claimed it territory.

It spills down the wall of the garage over the Heavenly Bamboo

On the opposite side of the house is a red climber that I picked up at the end of the bare root season.
It looked pretty bad, but the price was low enough to give it a try.
Seems it's happy now.

 I purchased this ''Abraham Lincoln'' Rose
about 15 yrs ago. It's a hardy one. 

Behind the picket fence is a bush rose I picked up about the same time.

I couldn't resist it's happy stripes

or it's name....
"Rockin' Robin"

It must be about 5 feet tall and almost as wide this year!
A bit bigger than I ever thought it would be.
But I still love it anyway.

This was the loveliest shade of lavender tree rose by oldest son rescued from a friends mother.....she was pulling out and tossing all the roses that came with the home she had just purchased. Unfortunately a couple years ago we had horrid winds that snapped it right off. As you can see it must have broken below the graft.
So another red is added..... 

 If I remember correctly, in front of the Mock Orange is "New Dawn".
Such a feminine pinkish color.

Behind it is a pinkish bush rose I rescued from the farm.

This little bush rose was in a place where it didn't receive much water at my parents. It was a very mature plant and I wasn't sure it would make it if dug up.....but since the sprinklers didn't reach where it was planted (Mom always dragged the hose out to water it) I feared the renters wouldn't take that extra step, I thought it would have at least a chance of survival with me.
Look at it now, several years later and flourishing!

I don't know the name of it (it's been dubbed Mom's Baby Rose) but it has the tightest baby pink flowers that are so sweet. Glad I took the chance.

Behind the garden bench are "Apple Blossom" Carpet roses. When they were planted years ago they were in full sun. Now they get dappled sun and are still happy. Real troopers!
Pink Oxalis carpets the ground under the bench. This is part of the same plant I had in my garden when I was little.

 I love my "Cecil Brunner" but it can get a little rambunctious at times!

It's scent is heavenly

 Wild bush roses my son rescued

 A red climber like on the front arbor.

In the foreground "Lady Banks" finishes up blooming.
Behind toward the top you can see "Joseph's Coat"

 "Joseph's Coat" was a gift from my parents.

Such gorgeous colors!

And we'll finish off with a baby rose my daughter gave me.
It's amazing how those little roses you see in the supermarket can become so big :)

I have more but I'm sure your probably rosed out by now!!

I'm joining these garden parties:

Cottage Flora Thursdays at Fishtail Cottage

Fertilizer Friday at Tootsie Time

Fresh Cut Friday at Rose Vignettes

Time for Another Mental Vacation

Time's running out to enter my giveaway!!
Hurry over and enter ♥

Monday, April 30, 2012

Some Encouragement

Joining Kimberly and Courtney for
their Monday Pinning Party :) 

I've been on a roller coaster ride regarding my life, as some of you know.
This week I needed some inspiration to help climb out of this low I've been in,
Hoping these help :)

There's still time to enter my giveaway!